5.The first talk with his mom

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Jimin had followed Taeyhung to his room. As he walked in he saw Taehyung just changing into some comfy clothes. Right now he stood there with his shirt in his hands, so that means that he was just in his pants.

Taehyung looked to his door as he heard it open and as he saw Jimin he quickly pulled his shirt to his chest „ Nock, you idiot."

Jimin sighed „ sorry- i can come when you're done-„ he was cut of by Taehyung.

„No need" he put his shirt back on „ what do you want?"

„Thank you." was the only thin that Jimin said.

„Thank you?.... For what?" taehyung asked confused.

„ for right now, back down there." he smiled as he looked at Taehyung. „You could've just say it.. but you choose not to. So thank you"

„Its not my business, if you didnt say it, that means you didn't want to. So it wasn't my job to do so." Taehyung said as he sat on his bed.

„I know... ehem..." jimin looked down to the ground. He wanted to say something but was cut off by Taehyung. „No, i don't hate you jimin."

Jimin looked up in a shock „how did you-„

„I know you my whole life thats why i could never hate you, you are my best and only friend. Yeah of course i need time to.., you know get used to it... but-„ now Taehyung was cut off by Jimin.

„You know that i am still Jimin right? Nothing changed at all. You liked me even tho you didnt know that i was gay. All this years you liked me eve tho i was gay, just because i said it doesn't change anything, right?„

Taehyung looked at jimin „ yes... you're right."

jimin smiled „see. And nothing will change"

„ i guess so.. ehem.. yeah" Taehyung looked away from Jimin.

Jimin went to Taehyung and sat next to him. He hugged him from his side and layed his head on Taehyungs shoulder „ i missed you taetae."

Taehyung looked at Jimin but then again away „I... i missed you too."

After that nothing really happened, they talked about the last three days.But as always just jimin talked and Taehyung listend. As Jimin talked he also told Taehyung about Jungkok and how he met him after their litte fight.

After some hours Jimin had to go, and he was glad. Today didnt feel the same at all. Jimin knew that Taehyung was uncomfortable when he was around.

As Jimin and his mother walked to their home, which was only like two minutes anyway from the Kims home, Jimin talked to his mother „mom?"

„ yes my love?" she said looking at him with an angelic smile that jimin got from her.

„may i ask something?"

„You just did honey" she laughed „no no, of course you can you idiot"

Jimin smiled and nodded „ehem let me say i have a friend. And ehem.. well lets say he's gay. What would you do?"

His mothers smile dropped „is Taehyung gay????"

Jimin frowned „ NO! Not him"

„You have other friends?"

„MOOOM! Yes of course i do!!" he cried

His mother laughed „ what would i do? Mhh i dont know.. bake cookies?? Or cake? Darling how should i know what he likes i dont even know-„

jimin laughed „ no mom! Not to eat, i mean you would like him right?? Even tho he's gay?"

His mother frowned at him „ darling, Jimin my love, my stupid stupid child, of course i would. I mean, yes, being gay in Korea is.. let me say not so good because its not really acceptable here, but if i am being honest, gays are only human too, right? So why tread the differently?"

Jimin looked at his mother. He was so relived and because of that his eyes began to tear." that... you said that really well mom."

„ wha- are you crying?????" his mother panicked „ WHY?"

Jimin laughed and shook his head „ im not"

His mother sighed in a relief „ok good"

They both came to there home and went straight in „you hungry may love?"

„yes mom!"

They both went to the kitchen and Jimin helped her with the cooking.

„Oh why dont you bring your friend to us? I would love to meet him"

Jimin looked t his mother not knowing what to say, because there was no one. No gay friend, because he was the gay friend.

„Jimin??" his mother called him

„ EH? Ehh yes! Yes i will bring him.. Tomorrow!"

„ Tomorrow??" she gasped „ THEN i need to go grocery shopping! We dont have anything to eat! Why tomorrow??"

„ EH??i can invite him when ever i want! Why are you panicking??"

„I-. I dont know, but tomorrow is fine, bring him after school"

„Sure" and that ‚sure' was the dumbest thing that he could've had say. Because as we all know, there was no gay friend.

So what should Jimin do?

A.N: yes yes i know its a short chapter but the next one. Oh Boi 🫣

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