24. The first happy smile in 10 years.

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Days passed and the important date, Taehyungs birthday, was ahead and all were really excited, except Taehyung.

He still wasn't feeling well, celebrating without his dad, but he knew that, like Hosoek said, his dad would be happy if he would celebrate. With a small smile, thinking about his dad, Taehyung looked at himself in the mirror,
He dressed up a bit because Jin forced him to do so.
Was he feeling good? No. But it was bearable so he went along with it.  Looking cute, looking good he sat down on his couch, getting lost in his thoughts till he was ripped out of it.

„Tae, lets go! You'll be late to your own birthday." His boyfriend said as he looked down on Taehyung. Jin was dressed up pretty good as well. As Taehyungs eyes fell on Seokjin he could sworn that the fell in love all over again. Seokjin was so beautiful with makeup. Obviously without as well but Taehyung really liked when Seokjin put on makeup.

„You look so beautiful, seokjin" Taehyung smiled a little, feeling the love for his boyfriend

„I know, I am beautiful." Jin smiled like always when he praised himself. „You too look really great. I love you, when you're dressed up like that"

„Just only when I am dressed up?" Taeyhung asked standing up.

„ yea love, only then" jin rolled his eyes and went up to Taehyung, he fixed Taehyungs hair as he looked at him with pure love in his eyes. „ you know i love you no matter what or how... but remember-„

„You love yourself more, i know"  smiling Taehyung looked at his boyfriend who was now smiling wide.

„Well duh because you can't love someone bevor you're not loving yourself. Namjooon said that once and I thinks thats pretty right." jin sighed and went to the door

„Come on now. Lets get going." Jin walked out of the apartment, waiting outside for Taehuyng.
Taehuyng grabbed his things and then walked out the apartment as well. They both were then on their way to the location were the party is.

When they arrived there, Taehyung hesitated to get out the car.

„You still dont want to celebrate, do ya?" ..

"Nope. I doesn't feel right to be honest.. but" he sighed deeply "I can't let this be a waste."

"Yes. Everyone worked hard" Jin said looking at Jimins house where the party was going to be.

"And you?" Taehyung looked at Jin with a raised brow.
Jin gasped and looked at him "bro. Taking care of you and convincing you to come was the most stressfully job at all time."

"Aha. Yet you did it will all your heart"

"Yeah cuz I love you, you dumb bitch."

"Mwah." Taehyung laughed a bit and then gout out the car. Jin also git out and they both walked to the house. Since the door was open, they both just got in, seeing nothing because every light was turned off.

"No they did not" Taehyung started, rolling his eyes "they did not make this stupid surprise party." Taehyung sighed as he looked at Jin

"It seem like they did" Jin shook his head in disappointment.

"We can hear you guys" Jimin Said out of no were.

"Yeah I didn't want to do that at all" yoongi said, turning in the lights

Now everything was visible. Many many balloons and a lot of alcohol.

"You guys are very stupid" Taehyung said looking at them all

"Well.. we wanted to do it like the movies." Namjoon said, smiling sheepishly.

"It was a really stupid idea" Taehyung Said as he sat down.

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