14. The first take care of him.

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It was a next day, a Friday, and jimin stood in front of his class room. He saw people getting in and settling on their seats. But jimin waited for a person, for a person that he owned a big fat apology.

And as he thought he saw the guy coming to his class right on time.

"Taehyung.."  he widen his eyes after seeing Taehyung covered in band aids.

Taehyung stopped next to Jimin, he wasn't expecting him so he didn't pay attention to anything "jimin." So hearing his name and seeing jimin here surprised him

"Oh my god.. what did I do to you?" Jimin was shocked by himself he didn't know that he was capable of to do something like that.

"Yeah you fucked me pretty bad." Taehyung said "don't you wanna hit me more? Hate me? Why are you even taking to me?"

"I-.. I really need to apologise Taehyung I-"

He was cut off by their professor "you two, get in class or leave, don't stand here"

They both looked at their professor but then went inside the class

"Let's talk after school okay?" Taehyung asked settling down on his seat

"Ok.." was the only thing that jimin said as he sat next to Taehyung.

And today was a really long day of school for them. Actually the time just passed by where a minute felt like 1 hour.

But in the end it came all to an end.
Jimin and Taehyung were on their way to their home

"I don't wanna go home jimin. You go ahead, I will.. go to the library and then to Jin I guess"

"Jin? You.. you go to his apartment?"

"Yeah.. I guess so.. I stayed there last night. That's why I have other clothes"

Jimin widen his eyes in shock "thats hyungs cloths? Wow."

"Well ehm bevor you go, you wanna talk?" Taehyung asked Jimin.

"Oh yes please."

Taehyung nodded and he went with jimin to an small caffe where they sat. They both just ordered an muffin.

"Taehyung I am sorry for what I did yesterday. I really fucked up.. I should've listen to you first. I am really sorry.." jimin said looking at his muffin "please.. I don't beg for forgiveness... but please don't hate me" he now looked up with teary eyes. He meet Taehyungs as which we're looking at him.

"Only if you don't hate me as well.. cuz jimin I know I also fucked up pretty bad. I should've talk to my mother and.. and made her accept you but... I really couldn't lose another parent you know?" Taehyung Said as he looked at jimin almost without any emotion.

Jimin nodded completely understanding "I know Tae.. I know it was hard with you fat-"

"Don't bring that up please."

"Sorry... I just-.. I was so mad because you didn't protect me.. that you let your mom talk to me or to my mom like that."

"I know I am sorry." Taehyung apologised again 

"I am sorry as well for.. ruining your beautiful face." Jimin laughed even tho he didn't want to.

"Don't worry. Jin helped me a lot. It will be all gone in a few days. "

Jimin looked at Taehyung confused "what's up with you and Jin hyung? You like him now?"

Tae smiled a bit "I guess he isn't that bad at all- but wait I also got a question."

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