21. The first party.... Fail.

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This may have some Mistakes but I don't really have the power to correct everything. I apologise, have mercy😞 hope you still have fun! ;3

Taehyung was sitting on Jin's couch watching Netflix. He got a message on his phone, he looked at it and saw that it was from Jimin.

Come with Jin too Jin's parents home. We are celebrating there.

How the fuck should i get him there?

Idk??ß THINK dumbass😭

Ok ok i will get him there

Like an hour?
Bri this party is going to be reaaaaly sick!

Yeah yeah. Cya


Taehyung took a deep breath which he then breathed out „Jin?" He looked to the kitchen where jin was cleaning the dishes „yeah?"

„Could we go to your parents-„ Jin cut him off „why?"

Taehyung rolld his eyes „i wanna ask then if i could marry yo-„

„OK lets go" jin said with a big smile „you wanna marry me? Boy, you definitely will get their yes and mine?? Alre-„ now Taehyung cut off jin

„I dont wanna marry you! That was a joke" Taehyung said looking at Jin with big eyes

Jin smile immediately disappeared „oh.. then why the fuck do you wanna go to my parents house?? Just to see me suffer?"

Taeyhung laughed „hehe yeah"

„Fuck you." Jin said shaking his head, „no really, what do you want at my parents house?"

„I dunno, i kinda liked them, especially you father. He was pretty much like mine." he stood up „so.. can we?"

Jin sighed believing the reason „sure... i guess"

They both walked to the door, putting on their things. Jin grabbed the keys and then they both walked out of jin apartment, down to Jin's car and when they both sat in, Jin drove off to his parents house.

After like an half an hour or more they arrived at the house. They both got out of the car and walked to the door. „We're not staying long" jin said looking at Taehyung.
„Yeah yeah yeah" he sighed „ring the bell"

„Yeah ok boss" jin rolled his eyes and rang the bell. Some seconds later the door opened and they both saw a smiling Minjae „hello sir."

„hi Minjae. Is dad home?"

She nodded and let them both in „he's in the living room with your mother."

„Thank you Minjae" jin walked in the house, Taehyung behind him

„Hello Minjae" Taehyung smiled at her „hello sir" Minjae bowed a bit

Jin walked into the living room and the second he stapped a foot in the living room, everyone jumped out screaming happy birthday. Jin jumped up in fright and looked at his friends as parents with big eyes „WHAT THW FUCK?" He yelled.

„HAPPY BIRTHDAY HYUNG!" Jimin screamed „you like it??"

Jin looked around, seeing everything decorated really pretty, he saw a big big cake with pink cream all around it

„you like the cake hyung??? I let it customize just for you!" jungkook said.

„And we decorated everything!" hoseok said
„With the help of Minjae and your parents" Yoongi added.

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