16. The first acceptance...

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Jimin walked to the door and open it. When he opened it he saw a broken woman who had been crying. „J-Jimin.."

Jimin frowned worried „ms Kim?? You ok??" he asked taking her inside.

„No.. No Taehyung didnt came home for two days, i am worried sick!" She was a crying mess. Jimin looked at her with pitty „he's here ms Kim dont worry."

Ms Kim looked at jimin „here?" jimin nodded and took her inside the livingroom. Everyone's eyes were on them.

„Mom-„ Taehyung couldnt speak any further because he was pulled into a hug from his mother „where have you been??" she cried in Taehyungs arms „i was so scared,.. i,, i thought i lost you too!"

Everyone were looking at them questioning everything right now.
Taehyungs mother broke the hug between her and her son and when she saw Taehyung with band aids all over his face she took a sharp breath „who did that to you??" he screamed of concern

Taeyhung sighed „some guys from university.."

Jimin, jin and Ms park were looking at him with shock, but Taehyungs mother frowned „why?"

„Because i am to handsome, they were jealous"

His mother frowned ans Jin laughed a bit.

Now Taehyungs mother was looking around, realizing what was happening „who is that?" she said pointing at jin.. „and who is that?" she asked again pointing this time at Yoongi." and who is-„ she stopped when she saw that really familiar face „Hoseok..?"

Hoseok was smiling at her and waving at her. With shaky hand ans legs she went t0 him and then pulling him into a tight hug „what are you... when did you,.." she was a crying mess again „I've missed you so much my love"

Hoseok hugged her back and smiled „Ive missed you too Ms Kim" they both broke the hug and Ms Kim were looking at him. She pulled him closer to give him a small peck on the forehead. She then looked around, her eyes staying at Jimin and his mother. They both looked at her.

Taehyung went to his mother and took her by be shoulders „we should go home mom." His mother looked at him „where have you been staying the two nights?" she asked his son, still with a lot of concern.

Taehyung sighed and showed to Jin „him."

Taehyungs mother looked at Jin, who was now smiling awkwardly. Taehyung 's mother  bowed to him to show how thankful she was that he took care of him „thank you."

„EHH?" he panicked because an older bowed befor him „it's ok!" she helped her stand up again „I enjoyed the time with him so don't worry"

Taehyung was looking at Jin but didn't say anything.

Taehyungs mother smiled a bit and then pulled Jin into a quick hug „again. Thank you for taking care of that idiot"

„Mom." Taehyung said annoyed.

Jin laughed and they broke the hug „yeah it was quite a pleasure" he said smiling while looking at Taehyung.

Hoseok who was watching this leans to jimin „did they fuck or some?"

Jimin had to smile „nah, but I wish. But Taehyung is not gay." he laughed

Hoseok was laughing „he isn't gay??"

Jimin shook his head „ no, in fact he once was homophobic" he now said looking at Hoseok „we fight a lot because of that"

Hoseok frowned while listening to jimin „he was homophobic?  Oh wow"

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