20. The first Party plan.

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The rest of the day was pretty normal... everyone went to work or school and after that the 7 meet up.

"So hyung. Did you and Taehyung fuck?" Who could've asked that other then jimin, who was smirking, looking at them

"Jimin. Don't you have any other things then just two of us fucking in your mind?" Jin asked him. "And no. No we didn't"

"You didn't??" Jimin was appealed. He looked at Taehyung "I am disappointed. Really Taehyung"

Taehyung took his warm cup of tea and drank from it. Behind that cup was hiding a small smile

"man. And I thought you could tell us some stories" jimin pouted and namjoon patted his head "you're so perverted and Horny Jimin. I love it"

Jimin looked at him with a smirk. He then leaned against him feeling all this muscles around his body.

"Namjoon and Jimin... Fit so damn well. Like. Jimin is small" Yoongi started but Jimin cut him off

"I am not small! And we are the same height! Asshole"

Yoongi rolled his eyes "anyways. As I was saying. He is small and namjoon is big. So perfect"

"And we aren't?" Hoseok asked him

"Bro. You are Hoseok. You literally are perfect on your own. And we with me-" Yoongi wanted to say something but jimin cut him off again

"And with him you loose your perfection hobi hyung." Jimin said jokingly and Yoongi gave him the death glance

Hoseok laughed and hugged Yoongi from the side "don't listen to him. I love you yoongle boongle"

"don't call me that!"

"HAHAHAHAH YOONGLE BOONGLE I CANT" Jungkook laughed like an idiot

Jimin laughed as well "good name Hobi hyung!"

Yoongi rolled his eyes, closing them after wards.

"Let the small guy alone" Jin said

"DID YOU JUST CALL ME SMALL" Yoongi asked him as he looked Jin's way. He then looked at Hoseok again "I wanna go back to Europe."

"Where in Europe?" Taehyung asked the question out of the blue

Yoongi and Hoseok looked at him and they both said "Germany" at the same time.

"oh oh! I've played with German men bevore. I know some words!" Jungkook said proudly.

"Ah? And which words?" Hoseok asked

"Nein. Hyurenson. Hyure and.. archsloch" Jungkook said with a big smile but speaking total nonsense and pronouncing the words completely wrong

Yoongi and Hoseok looked at him "Jungkook- don't ever use these word. Ever again. You're to young for them" Hoseok Said

"YOUNG? I AM 25!"

"You are?" Yoongi asked

"Fuck you."

"Love you too honey" Yoongi said rolling his eyes.

Jimin looked at them and then laughed. Then a question popped out in his head " HYUNG!!" Jimin screamed and everyone except Taehyung flinched

"HYUNG when are we gonna celebrate your birthday???" Jimin asked Jin.

"Ehh??? We did?"

"Noo I mean with a party!"

"I don't have many friends for a party. I only have you guys."

"🥺" Jungkook pouted and then hugged Jin from the side

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