22. The first..🙀

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Hello 😾
I am Back, mIsS mE?🙀
couldn't really be away any longer and yeah. I wrote this over days now (not my best sorry). I still hope you will like it :3
Anygays, have fun reading it u guess😼

The next day

The others couldn't sit and wait anymore, they asked if Taehyung could go and look out for Seokjin but obviously Taehyung asked why him.

The others forced him eventually and now Taehyung was standing in front of Jins apartment door. He rang the doorbell and waited till someone, Jin, would open the door.

And seconds after the door opened and a sleepy looking Jin stood in front of Taehyung. They both looked at each other for seconds.

"What do you want?" Jin asked, pretty mad.

"Where you sleeping till now?" Taehyung looked a little confused. He pushed Jin to the side and went it but he couldn't get further in because Jin hold him by his arm "get out" jin said trying to get Taehyung out of his apartment but Jin was to weak so Taehyung didn't even move an inch from his place.

"What is wrong with you?" Taehyung asked stopping Jin "you will hurt yourself."

"Shut up. I said get out Taehyung I-" he couldn't speak any further because Taehyung hold a grip on his collar and pulled him really close. Their faces only inches away.

"What's the matter Seokjin.? You haven't been answering our calls and texts. All, except yoongi, are worried sick"

Jin was just looking at him straight in the eyes, new tears building up in his eyes, really close to dripping down "I-" he started and the tears rolled down his cheeks "yesterday was supposed to be a awesome day.. it was, really, thanks to all of you but... but this bitch Minjae ruined everything... I-" he leaned his head against Taehyungs shoulder, crying his eyes out.

Taehyung looked on his side, sighing and creasing through Jin's hair "stop crying Seokjin."

"S-sorry I just-" he pushed himself away from Taehyung, looking at him with teary eyes and Seeing that was the worst view that Taehyung could see. It hurt his heart so much and he didn't even knew why. He wiped Jin's tears away,"Jin.. it's ok you know?"

"No. No nothing is ok Taehyung. My Parents choose Minjae over me.. over their son! And-. Yeah I got it, I lied to them with us but-.. I just wanted to make them proud. Even if it was just for one time.."

Taehyung looked at him, Jin's face still in his hands. He sighed, pulled Jin closer and placed an small kiss on Jin's lips. After he backed of a bit they both were looking each other in the eyes

"I got so jealous when she flirted with you Taehyung."

"I know."

"Why did you let it happen?"

"I didn't want to be a jerk."

"But you were, in the end you hurt me. But.. fuck I can't even be mad at you because I love you"  Jin closed his eyes feeling how his heart ached

"I love you too Jin."

Jin widen his eyes in schock, not believing his ears. With Ann surprised face he looked at Taehyung "huh??"

"I love you too" Taehyung repeated himself "I didn't knew that I could love again after my favourite person passed away but you.. oh Jin you changed my mind." He smiled a bit "seeing you smile, cry, happy, sad.. just showed me how I care about you. How you care about me.. Feeling your hands on my body... your lips on my. Fuck even when you're near me, mz heart beats faster than everything." He pulled Jin's face closer "I don't wanna let you go.." he closed his eyes, leaning his forehead against Jin.. "I truly love you deep down from my heart Jin."

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