9.The first messages.

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Taehyung was in his way to Jimins home where he was several times. There arrived he rang the bell and waited that someone opens the door. And after some seconds, the door opened and Jimins mother cam behind it.

"Taehyung-ah. Hello there my love. You want to go jimin?"

Taehyung nodded "yes Ms Park. May I come in?"

The woman in front of him laughed "of course you can, and actually it's good that you came."
She said stepping to the side.

Taehyung came in and took his shoes off " why? What's wrong?"

"Jimin didn't come out of his room since yesterday. I am getting worried. Did something happen?? Was he being bullied because of his sexuality?" She was sound really sacred.

Taehyung looked at her " you know about him?"

She nodded"he told me yesterday. With this lovely Guy Namjoon"

"Namjoon?" Taehyung nodded "don't worry, he's not getting bullied no one knows except me and you. I will talk to him ok?"

"Thank you my dear" she said smiling brightly.

Taehyung went up to Jimins room and nocked  "Open up. It's me, Jimin"

Behind the door wasn't any sign of live

"Jimin" Taehyung nocked again "open the fuck up"

Taehyung could hear some muffled sounds and then the opening of the door "what?!" Jimin said annoyed.

Taehyung looked down at Jimin "we really need to talk."

"No we don't. Get lost" Jimin wanted to smash the door shut but Taehyung put him to a stop "Jimin. Please."

Jimin looked at him, little surprised because Taehyung never pleased "what did you do?"


"What did you do, Taehyung." Jimin repeated the question.

Taehyung sighed "I'm sorry. For everything that I've done. Please.. forgive me."

Jimin looked at him with wide eyes. He never heard Taehyung apologies in a long time.

"I-... what?" That was the only thing Jimin could say.

"Please Jimin. I can not live without you. And you know that you can't live without me either." Taehyung said and stapped one step closer to jimin.

Jimin was still looking at him. After a while he fell around Taehyungs neck " you fucking ass, I fucking hate you."

Taehyung was hugging him back "I know. I hate me too."

Jimin kinda broke the hug and looked at His best friend,then, out of nowhere, he slapped Taehyung across the face

"OU! What the hell?" He hold his cheek "why???"

"You can't hate yourself, never do that and for everything that you've done" Jimin said the withe brightest smile on earth.

Taehyung looked at him "you're... ah Jimin" he said and hugged Jimin again.

Jimin hugged him back" you.. you support me right?"

Taehyung was silence for a seconds but then nodded "you are my best friend, of course I will support you."

Jimin smiled relieved which Taehyung obviously couldn't see "thank you."

"So you wanna tell me about Namjoon?"

Jimin broke the hug and looked at Taehyung " HEs awesome!! His smile is so.." he went to his bed and sprang on it "SO Beautiful"

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