3.The first time together

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Annoyed Taehyung rolls his. Eyes „no jimin i wont come with you to the library."

„ but whyyyyyy?" Jimin said whining „ you love it there!"

„Yes, i do but not with you." Taehyung said as he said down on his chair.

They both were currently in school with their first class; mathematics.
They both hated it, even tho they were pretty good in in. But netherless they both hated it to death , like most of the kids.. right?

The class had started and yet Jimin didn't stop bothering Taehyung. Jimin desperately wanted Taehyung to accompany him to the library, but no, Taehynung was so stubborn.

After maths had end they both went to the cafeteria to get something to eat. They both out themselves something and sat down on some chairs. They started eating as they talked about what they would have after lunch.

In school Taehyung couldn't really read Because it was too loud for him, so Jimin always took the opportunity and talked with him non stop.


After school Jimin could convince Taehyung to come with him. So they both went straight to the library. Jimin had to give a book back and Taehyung could read in peace.

As they both got to the big library they both got greeted with the smells of books. Taehyung loved it more than anything and Jimin.. well he didn't necessarily loved it but also didn't hate it really soo he didn't mind the smell.

They both walked to the cash register and Jimin gave his book back.


They both turned their heads to the sound and they saw Jin coming to them.

„Jin hyung!!" jimin greeted him as he walked to him.

They both hugged each other „Long Time no see! How are you and with who are y- oh my lord if that isn't mister cocky. Or little one?"

Taehyung rolled his eyes At that commend.

Jimin looked at Taehyung and smiled „jup thats him hyung. His name is Kim Taehyung, my best friend."

„Thats him??? You described him differently.. more lovely.. and not so... well..."

„Nice meeting you too." Taehyung said a little annoyed „im going to read, if any of you try to even talk to me i swear to god non of u are going out of this library alive."

„we love you too taetae" Jimin siad with a smile.

„Pfff taetae" jin had to try not to laugh out loud

Taehyung gave him a death glare and then went to his fav. Place.

„Well hyung you heard him... anyways imma need to look for a book. Bye hyung!" and with that jimin went ahead and looked for the book

Jin smiled as he looked after jimin and his smile grew even wider as he saw his favorite person walk up to him.

„Hello jin hyung" the person said with a smile that wore a deep dimple,

„Hello there my lovely customer and friend namjoon. How may i help you?" Jin asked as he went behind the cash register.

Namjoon followed him „well i just need to give this book back." he said as he gave jin the book

„ what?? You literally just borrowed it yesterday" he said with a surprised voice

„I really liked it.. so i couldn't just not read it hyung," namjoon said as he smiled sheeply

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