19. The first...?

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Month Past Since Hoseok and Yoongi came to Korea. They all understood each other really well and got pretty close. And over the months Jimin also invited Jungkook over, when they meet.

Jungkook got also pretty close with them, which made him really happy. Be didn't had many friends but but then he did and he felt loved for once.

Over the months Yoongi and Hoseok got jobs, moved to an apartment that was free under Namjoons apartment, so they all lived quite near together.

They all hung up at Namjoons apartment, chilling, watching movies, talk, eat and drink.

The day came almost to an end.

"guys!" Namjoon started "in a few minutes there is something really big happening" he said stooping up. Everyone looked at him

"What is it hyung?" Jungkook asked and they all nodded

"Yeah what is it?" Yoongi asked again

"Shhhh" namjoon smiled and went to his kitchen just to come back after minutes. And after Mintues it was now the next day, which meant the 4th of December.
Namjoon came with cake in his hands singing the happy birthday song.

Everyone looked at him with big eyes and then at the birthday kid, and yes the birthday kid aka Jin also looked at namjoon with big eyes because he totally forgot his own birthday.

After Jin blew up the candles he looked at namjoon "you son of a bitch. I totally forgot it, thank you joon" he said, standing up and hugging his friend.

Namjoon hugged him back after putting the cake on the table

"Happy birthday hyung" Namjoon said

They broke the hug and Jin looked at the other.
Jungkook quickly got up and hugged his new hyung as well "happy birthday hyung!!" He said hugging him tight.

They all hugged Jin, well except Taehyung. He just sat there, waiting to be the last.
When his turn was up, he stood up and came up to Jin. They hugged "happy birthday, hyung." Taehyung almost whispered that honorific word in Jin's ear. Before Taehyung broke the hug he came Jin's ear really near and whispered in a really deep voice "I don't really have a present, but if you want I can give you.. something special." Jin could hear the smirk in Taehyungs voice "a little.. kiss maybe" he whispered asked and broke the hug with an big smile

Jin looked at him with big eyes, feeling his heart beating like he just ran a marathon. He quickly got red and looked away. 'What..?. ' was what Seokjin was thinking right now, but having such a opportunity? He wouldn't say no... right?

"What did Taehyung whisper to you??" Jungkook asked

And jimin just Gasped "SEX!! YOU GUYS HAVING BIRTHDAY SEX!" Jimin celebrated Happily. But everyone, especially Taehyung and Jin just rolled their eyes

"No." Taehyung Said. "Nothing. He will get nothing. As If i will give anything to him. Nah uh. The others didn't got anything as well."

" bitch" Jin said looking at Taehyung with a small smile. And Taehyung just smirked back.

"Hey, I want birthday sex!" Jungkook complained

"Hey kid, get a boy of Girlfriend at first and then wait till your birthday" Yoongi said

"PFF!" Jungkook crosses his arm in front of his chest "Don't need one."

"Well the you can have sex with us" jimin said looking at Namjoon

Namjoon Just looked at him "nah uh. Sorry nothing against you Kook, but no. A threesome is nothing for me. But feel free to sleep with jimin."

"heh. Wait- you just allow it??" Jimin asked looking a little broken at namjoon

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