23. The first... in a long time?

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(Don't mind the grammar mistakes please😔)

It's been 2 weeks after Jin's and Taehyungs first time. And in these weeks they enjoyed their company.
They didn't tell anyone tho because they didn't want to make it a big deal. It was just sex after all. Well of course sex with love but still, they didn't want to make a big fuss. Especially because of jimin.

The 7 friends were chilling in Jins Appartement but they all were just on their smartphones.

Until Jimin sighed out loud "guuuuuys! I'm bored!" He cried "let's do something! Please!"

"Shut up you rat" yoongi said annoyed "we're doing something"

"Looking at our phones isn't what we suppose to do when we meet up! Gosh you guys are boring!" Jimin stood up.

"What you doing Hyung" The youngest, Jungkook, asked his hyung as he looked up

"i don't know kooks. I wanna do something!" Jimin sighed, looking around in the room.

"What you looking at Jim?" Jin, the oldest, asked "here is nothing that would help your boredom."

"well. You all suck" jimin slumped back on the couch

"Well you're right. We do suck all" Hoseok Said and everyone just laughed

„Oh Hoseok hyung come on!! Its boring!" jimin cried out laud. „I Need something to do!!"

"Jin and I had sex" said Taehyung with an straight face and everyone just looked at him.

"Funny Tae. Fr, if you have tea, spill it" Jimin said looking at his friend.

"No. We actually did sleep together." Taehyung looked at his friend as well and smiled a bit

Jimin looked at him speechless "wha-... WHAT?"

"You guys gad sex??" Namjoon asked now, looking at Jin and Taehyung.

"More than once" Taehyung added as he looked at Jin, who was now as red as an tomato.

"Sorry I didn't ask you-" Taehyung started but was cut off immediately "its fine." Jin said, smiling "glad that you said it"

"Is he good hyung?" Jungkook ask the oldest.

Jin looked at him and smiled "pretty good I would say"

"Woah." Jungkook nodded "did he fuck you or did you fuck him?"

"Both. I fucked him, he fucked me. Simple" Jin said feeling embarrassed.

"Who fucked who at the first time?" yoongi asked now.

"I fucked him" Taehyung answered him proudly.

"DAMN TAE I AM-" jimin sighed "so disappointed. WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME??"

"I just did."

"NO I- I mean when it happened" jimin pouted

"Should I've called you when we did it?? How awkward would that be.."

"NO YOU DUMBASS" jimin threw A pillow at Taehyung and sighed out. He then whipped his imaginary tears away "you grew.. you became an adult.." he sighed

"You're overreacting Jimin." Taehyung said Annoyed

"I must say, Im on Jimins side this time" hoseok spoke "that's a pretty big thing Taehyung. You lost your virginity."

Taehyung looked at His hyung and thought a bit "well.. yeah. You're right"

„So cute" Jin looked at Taehyung with big heart eyes.

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