13. The first punches.

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The next day had arrived and Taehyung was already in school and how he had imagined, Jimin wasn't there. Taehyung was sitting on his place but didnt even payed attention to the Professor. He was just there because he didn't want any missing days-

For his luck the school day was over pretty quickly, so Taehyung was on his way home but not to his home, but to Jimins.

Since the way wasn't long e was there pretty quickly. He rang the bell and waited that someone would open the door... but no one did. So he rang the bell again and again till someone would open. And after 5 times of ringing the bell the door was opened. He then saw an angry Jimin, when jimin saw Taehyung his expression changed in an instant. He narrowed his eyes at Taehyung „what the fuck are you doing here??"

„I need to talk to-„

„how the fuck do you have the fucking nerves to come here!??" Jimin screamed now „get the fuck out of my life you bastard!" jimin wanted to shut the door but Taehyung put him to stop:


„No!" Jimin tried to close the door but Taehyung was just much stronger.
Taehyung pushed the door so that he could come in, but with doing that he also pushed jimin to the ground. With an loud hit jimins ass meet the ground

„Jimin!" Taeyhung rushed in and he wanted to help jimin up but jimin hit Taehyungs hand away „leave me alone Taehyung!" In Jimins eyes Taeyhung could see some tears

„Jimin please just li-„ he couldn't speak any further because he gor slapped by Jimin. Jimin slapped him across the face „shut the fuck up!"he hit Taehyung with his fist, really hard.

Taehyung didnt do anything,no he couldn't do anything so he just let jimin do because he knew that he deserved it.

„how could you!" jimin hit him again, Taehyung was now laying on the ground and jimin was on top of him, hitting him none stop „i fucking trusted you!! I fucking told you anything in my whole life!! I always-„ he broke down. His tears dripping down on Taehyungs now bloody face.

And that went further till Jimin was pulled away by his mother that just came home from work „JIMIN!

Jimin tired to free himself from his mothers grip „LET ME GO!"

Taehyung coughed and looked up at the ceiling feeling how his blood was dripping down his face

„Jimin please calm down!!" His mother tried to clam Jimin down „NO!" jimin cried „No mom! He-„ he couldnt even speak.

„Shh" jimins mother was now crying as well „jimin please" she hugged him really tight. „Please calm down"

Jimin was crying in his mothers arm feeling indescribable. He just hit his best friend multiple times. How could he do that .. but he was just full of anger.

Taehyung stood up feeling dizzy and with an head that hurt like shit. He looked at Jiminn and Ms Park „i-„

„get the hell out Taehyung befor i call the police." Jimins mother said without looking at him.

Taehyung sighed and walked out with all his might. He closed the door behind him, still hearing jimin cry. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and called someone, someone that he could call when he needed something.

„Jin..? I-... i need help.. like right now."

tae what-„

„Just please come to.. jimins home. I cant walk" he sat down on the ground and leaned against the wall behind him

ok. I will be there in minutes" with that Jin hung up and was on his way.

Taehyung just closed his eyes feeling how the warm tears flowed down his bloody cheeks.

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