6.The first day with him.

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It was a beautiful day. Even tho it was November, he sun shined beautifully on Seoul. Nothing really happened and so was that for jin. He worked in the library, busy with his job. As usual was the library really quite. Many people reading and minding there own business. It was really quite, till the door opened and a small creature, or let me say, Jimin rushed in. He looked hecticly around to find his hyung. When he found him he rushed to him „JIN HYUNG!" jimin screamed.

Jin jumped up in fright and looked dumbfounded to Jimin „why the fuck are you screaming???" he sad angrily. He looked around and bowed as an apology for the other people there. Then ehe looked at Jimin again.

„S-sorry! But i have an emergency!"

„What?? What happened?? You ok?? Do i need to fight someone ? I swear i will-„ jin said, and he was ready to fight

Jimin looked at him" what.. no, NO hyung. But still i need help"

„Oh, ok with what you idiot?"

„Be my gay friend." jimin just said straight forward

Jin looked at him dumbfounded „what?:D"

Jimin sighed „ OK listen, i wanted to say my mom that i am gay ok? But at first i asked a question if she would accept an friend even tho he is gay. If u may ask why i did ask that, i just wanted to be for sure if she would support the gays, anygays so yeah, now she think that i have a gay friend, even tho i am the gay friend hyung! HELP!" he breath out heavily.

Jin looked at him in complete shock „Jimin what inn the fiucking fuck- what do you want me to do??"

„Be the.. gay friend?" he smiled.

„ i have to work, sorry." he said as he turned away from that crazy person.

„Hyuuuuuuuung!" jimin whined and went in front of jin again.

„Sorry jimin, i really need tho work.Why dont you ask your friend?"

„I dont have friends except Taetae." he pouted

Jin looked at him with pitty. He would've love to help bu he really needed to work. He thought about an solution, and he immediately found sometime, or someone.

„ i cant help you but i know who could" jin said smiling

Jimin looked at him with his head tilled to the side like a confused puppy „who?"

Jin smiled at him and just took his phone out, then he looked in his contacts for someone. As he found the person he called him.
After a while he started speaking „ hello there ,my friend Namjoon"

Jimin widen his eyes, Namjoon ? Oh crap.

„Yeah im good, listen i dont have much time, would you mind coming to the library? Its an emergency." he losten to namjoon „ ok:! Awesome thanks!"

With that Jin hung up and looked at Jimin „ you're Probleme is solved"

„How do you know if he would do it hyung?" jimin asked

„He would do anything for anyone. That's how he is."


„Jup, adorable. Well he will be here in a minute or so. Mind waiting?" jin asked

Jimin shook his head

„Good cuz i need to work now. When he comes just explain everything. Dont fucking come to me or i will lose my Job. Kay?"

Jimin nodded „got it hyung"

„good, cya" with that Jin got to work again.

Jimin stood there and waited. As he waited he realized how stupid he must've sound like and he wonders how he should explain that to Namjoon. His face got red because of the embarrassment that he will go trough.

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