18. The first introduction to his parents

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Arrived at Jin's parents house Taehyung looked out the car "nice house" he said and then looked at Jin "yo, you good?"

Jin was sweating a bit but smiled it off "nervous, but I am good. Don't worry"

"Ok?? Then let's go inside and get it behind us" Taehyung wanted to get out of the car but Jin stopped him with holding his hand "Taehyung"

Taehyung looked confused to Jin "what?" He said looking at their hands but up to Jin again

"Thank you. Really. I know.. you don't like me.. but what you doing is... is really a lot of help for me." He smiled letting go of Taehyungs hand "and don't worry, we will just stay for 2-3 hours" he said and get out of the car.

Taehyung looked at him how he got of the car, little overwhelmed by Jin, not liking him? Boy.. he was so wrong.

Taehyung got also out of the car and then followed jin to the house. Jin rang the doorbell and after seconds a girl, more precise, a maid opened the door "Mister kim, welcome home" she said bowing and letting them both in.

Taehyung looked at her kinda shocked to se a maid

"Your parents are in the living room mister Kim and "she looked at Taehyung "welcome Sir." She said bowing again

"Hello..." Taehyung said not knowing how to handle a maid.

Jin smiled "thank you Minjae." He smiled and went to the living room. Taehyung followed him. He then saw one beautiful Woman and a really handsome Man

"Mom dad" Jin started getting the attention from his parents "we are here"

His parents stood up excited seeing Jin "Jin my son!" His mother came to them hugging her son "you really came this time!" She said kissing his cheeks

"Yes mom" he hugged her back. His dad looked at his son and then to his Accompany "hello there son."

"Hi dad" Jin said hugging his dad after the hug with his mother

"Who is that handsome boy??" His mother asked looking at Taehyung.

Taehyung bowed "hello Ms Kim. I am Kim Taehyung. Nice to meet you"

"Ohh? Kim? Well that easy when you guys Mary!" She clapped

Jin rolled his eyes "'mom.. no."

"What?? You don't wanna Mary this handsome man?? You are perfect together! Look at you, both tall, handsome if I were in your guys' age o would want you"

"Mooom?!" Jin sighed rubbing his face giving an apologetic smile to Taehyung. Taehyung waved it off.

Everyone sat down, Ms und Mr Kim sitting in a couch and Taehyung and Jin in one couch, between them enough space for 2 people.

"Why are you so far away??" His mother asked
"Just because he's my boy-.." Jin couldn't even say it "boyfriend.. doesn't mean we have to stick together 24/7, mom"

"Right right. well Taehyung Tell us something about you! We wanna get to know our son in law huh"

Jin just rolled his eyes looking at Taehyung. Taehyung looked at him as wel but then to Jin's parents again "well.. i go to university.. i like reading books... i... have a best friend named jimin and.. yeah that's it"

Jin's parents were looking at each other and then at Taehyung again "that's it son?" Jin's dad asked and hearing that word 'son' out of an Dads mouth hit really different "yes, sir"

"Ok? So since you like reading.. you probably meet at the library right?" She laughed jokingly

"Actually, we did." Taehyung said looking at Jin "not a good first meet but.. yeah"

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