Chapter 1-First day

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There she sat in principle Mrs Weems office at Nevermore academy.
"Lily you will be sharing with two other girls.Enid and Wednesday.Speaking of Enid,She's here to take you to your dorm" Mrs Weems explained.
Lily nodded as Enid walked through the doors. She had blonde hair and a very...unique style.
"Hi I'm Enid!" the girl squealed running over to try and hug Lily,but lily was quick to react as she jumped up backing away from the girl. She growled,letting her fangs show.
"Uh- Enid remember what I said! Lily is nervous around people and she doesn't like to be touched" Mrs Weems warned.
"Oh yeah! Sorry Lily I didn't mean to scare you there" Enid quickly said.
Lily just glared back at her.
"Come on,I'll show you our dorm and you can meet Wednesday!" Enid muttered as bubbly as ever.
The walk was quiet on Lily's part,Enid...not so much.
"Ya know you dress a lot like Wednesday! Also she doesn't being touched either" Enid babbled.
Lily was dressed in a black top with red and black striped sleeves,a black beanie,black cargo pants and black converse shoes. She wasn't really listening to Enid,she was more focused on the fact that she didn't want to be here. She wanted to go home but her parent had brought her here after finding out she was an outcast and they disowned her. They stopped at a door Lily guessed was the dorm.
"Come in!"
Enid squealed pushing the door open and smiling happily. As she walked in she could see that the two girls were complete opposites. Enid's side of the room was bright and colourful whereas Wednesday's was plain and simple. She much preferred Wednesday's side. Then she made eye contact with Wednesday who just glared at the shy girl. Lily turned away going over to her bed. It was on Enid's side of the room against the wall opposite the bubbly girls bed. She sat down on the bed and opened her suitcase. Her stuff had already been brought up and was placed on the end of the bed. Enid jumped up
"I can help you if you want!" She beamed skipping over. Lily just nodded and started hanging clothes up in the wardrobe. It was all going well until Enid came to close brushing against Lily's shoulder with her own. Lily jumped and backed away. She growled, baring her teeth as she did.
"I'm sorry Lily,I didn't mean to touch you. Are you alright?" Enid mumbled apologetically.
The scene caught Wednesday's attention so she put her book down and walked over. Lily still stood in the corner baring her teeth as Enid looked at her nervously.
"What's going on?" Wednesday muttered.
"I accidentally touched Lily's shoulder but she's nervous and doesn't like to be touched so she gets protective that's all" Enid mumbled sadly.
Wednesday turned to Lily and tried to change the subject.
"I'm Wednesday,Wednesday Addams. You?" Wednesday uttered stepping closer to Lily.
"L-Lily Forbes...V-Vampire" lily whispered.
Wednesday nodded.
"Thing! Help Enid and Lily unpack her stuff" Wednesday called and a hand came running over from under the bed. Lily's eyes widened as she watched 'Thing'. He immediately started helping Enid.
"Thing is harmless,Honestly" Enid hummed.
Lily slowly walked back over and continued unpacking. As they were finishing up,Enid spoke
"You really are a lot like Wednesday ya know"
Wednesday rolled her eyes.
"Enid watch your mouth" Wednesday snapped not looking up from her book.
"No look! Her side of the room looks kinda like yours except lily actually likes music" Enid replied. Wednesday looked up and nodded. All of a sudden the door opened and lily jumped. A woman with red hair wondered in.
"Hi lily! It's nice to meet you I'm mrs Thornhill your dorm mom.Here's your uniform and I copy of your schedule.I trust Enid and Wednesday are playing nice! She implied eyeing both girl with a serious look. Lily smiled and nodded.
"Oh! I almost forgot about the tour" Enid blurted out.
"I'll leave you girls to it then! See you later" mrs Thornhill chimed.
"Come on lily! Let's go!" Enid gushed.
Lily nodded and followed Enid out.

After the tour they chilled in the dorm for a while.
"Guys it's dinner time. Do you want to go with me?" Enid cheered.
"N-No thank you Enid, I-I don't like crowds" lily stuttered.
"Im going" Wednesday grumbled.
"Okay, lily I'll bring you something back okay?" Enid replied. After the two girls left lily decided to go and sit out on the balcony. Today had been overwhelming.
'Why don't my parents want me' lily thought. Tears filled her eyes and she let them fall.She sobbed loudly,she couldn't help it.After a while,she decided to get her PJs on.She layed in bed silent tears still falling down her face.
The door opened "Lily we're ba-"
Enid stopped when she saw Lily's tears
"Lily what's wrong?" She asked quietly sitting on the end of the sobbing girls bed.Wednesday closed the door and stood there watching the two girls unsure of what to do.
"I-I It doesn't matter" Lily sniffled hiding her face from the two girls watching her.
"It does,we're your roommates now,we don't want to see you sad" Enid whispered.
Wednesday rolled her eyes and went into the bathroom to shower, 'overdramatic there's no reason to cry it doesn't solve anything' She thought. Once she was done she walked out of the bathroom to see Enid singing softly to the now sleeping Lily.
"Enid what are yo-" Wednesday was cut off by Enid sushing her.
"She's asleep,be quiet!" She whisper shouted.
"Whatever" Wednesday whispered back rolling her eyes and getting into bed.
"Goodnight Wednesday" Enid murmured while getting into bed.
"Night now shush,I'm sleeping!" She muttered back

Word count: 986

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