Chapter 22- Hospital

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TW- self harm and suicide

Days had passed now and Lily was becoming increasingly more distant from her two roommates. She barely spoke,barely ate,barely slept,stopped showing up to classes and just hid in her bed all day. Wednesday and Enid were becoming more and more concerned as time went on. They'd left for class, they'd asked Lily to join them but she refused. As they left that morning,Wednesday had a horrible feeling that something wasn't right but she chose to ignore it. As soon as her two roommates left Lily got up and walked into the bathroom shutting the door and locking it behind her. She sunk to the floor.

Wednesday POV
Something's wrong I know it,as soon as this class ends I'm going to check on Lily. I was sat next to Enid in this class and I tapped her getting her attention.
"I'm going to check on Lily after this class. Cover for me?" I whispered and she nodded straight away. I waited for what felt like hours before the class ended and I ran out of the room speeding towards the dorm. I hate running it makes me feel sweaty and it's icky but I can feel it,something isn't right and I need to check it out. When I got back to the dorm I burst through the door but it was empty and there was complete silence. I looked over at the bathroom door to see it locked.
"Lily?" I called out knocking on the door but silence followed. I turned the handle but it was locked.
"Lily open the door" I said louder. Still no answer so I ran to Enid's bedside table and grabbed a hair clip I stuck it in the lock trying to get it to release and after a few seconds it did. I shoved the door open and that's when I saw her. Lily layed on the floor in a pool of her own blood.
"Lily!" I screamed as I knelt down beside her, I shook her but she was completely unconscious. The blood was coming from a deep wound on her arm, I put pressure on it and started screaming for help as loud as I could. Ms Amber's must've been walking past because she burst through the door seeing the two of us.
"What happened?!" She shouted.
"I don't know! I- Me and Enid we left for class this morning but something felt off so I came back to check on Lily and I found her like this. She pulled out her phone calling 911.
'I need an ambulance I've got a student bleeding out'
'She's only 16'
'Please hurry'
"They said keep pressure on the wound Ms Addams" she told me I nodded trying not to panic.
"Listen I'm going to go and meet the paramedics to show them where we are okay?" She continued.
I nodded and she walked out.
"Please Lily...You can't die. I-I need you" I whispered to my girlfriend. The rest is a blur the paramedics came and I was shoved out of the room,I watched from the sidelines as they placed and iv and tried to stop the bleeding. She was taken out on a stretcher and I haven't heard anything since. I've been pacing for hours now, Ms Amber's said she'd take me to the hospital later but it's driving me mad not knowing if she's...alive. Enid had tried calming me down but it wasn't helping.

*Time skip*
No ones POV
Lily groaned as she opened her eyes it was bright. She stared forward to be met with a while ceiling. She looked confused and turned her head the walls were white too.
"Huh?" She whispered confused.
"Lily..." she heard a small whisper from behind her. The vampire turned her head to see her girlfriend sat beside her bed looking exhausted and worried.
"Nessy" she murmured.
"Where am I?" Lily asked.
"Hospital" Wednesday replied looking into her girlfriends eyes. Lily stared at her confused before her eyes widened in realisation.
"Why...why'd you do it?" Wednesday questioned her seriousness laced her voice.
"I-I" Lily started and went to move her hands before realising she couldn't. She looked down and noticed the restraints around both of her wrists, she panicked and started trying to get out of them. Tears filled her as she thrashed around violently.
"Lily! Calm down it's okay" Wednesday murmured grabbing the vampires shoulders to stop her jolting movements.
"Why am I tied up like some-some animal" she whimpered as she settled at Wednesday's touch.
"It's just a safety precaution,they said you put up quite a fight when you first came around" Wednesday whispered kissing the girls head.
"I want to go back to school" Lily whined tears still falling from her eyes.
"You can't for a few days. They have to make sure you aren't at...risk of doing what you've done again"Wednesday mumbled as she sat back down holding her girlfriends hand a rubbing small circles on it. Lily let a small sob as a doctor walked in.
"Ah,Ms Forbes you're awake" she muttered looking at Lily.
"We're going to have a psychiatrist come talk to you in a little while. Your arm has been stitched up, there was extensive damage so you will be left with a scar" she continued.
"I don't need to see a psychiatrist I want to leave" Lily demanded angrily.
"I'm sorry Ms Forbes but that won't be possible you're on suicide watch for the next few days" She finished before walking out. Lily let out a frustrated sigh.
"D-Do you think I'm...weird now?" Lily mumbled looking down. Wednesday grasped the vampires chin making her look up.
"Of course not darling. Never." She told the pouting vampire confidently.
"Please don't ever do that again though. You scared me" she whispered to Lily.
"I-I didn't mean to scare you I just wanted gone" Lily whimpered a pained expression on her face.
"I'll look after you. You're safe with me I'm never letting you go mi amore" Wednesday spoke before pulling her girlfriend into a passionate kiss.

Word count: 1037

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