Chapter 15- Life or death?

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Lily groaned as she opened her eyes. She looked around confused, she was at crackstones crypt. Her head throbbed and she could feel droplets of blood falling down her forehead. She turned her body and whimpered, she must've had a broken rib or something she tried standing but her foot was in agony. That's when she saw Wednesday, her body dangling from some shackles that held her wrists above her head. She wasn't awake, she slid her body across the floor towards Wednesday.
"Wednesday!" She yelled as she reached her girlfriend.
"Aww look at you. How pathetic!" Laurel laughed as she looked at the vampire. Lily jumped she hadn't seen her there.
"What have you don't to Wednesday"  the vampire retorted.
"Do you mean your little girlfriend" she mocked as she came closer to Lily kneeling down. Sue pushed the shy girl backward causing her to land on her back. She whimpered as she help her side.
"What wrong? Does it hurt Lily?" She belittled the girl before kicking her hard right where the vampire was cradling. Lily yelped as she tried desperately to crawl away from the ginger haired woman.
"Not so fast!" Laurel yelled as she pushed her foot on to the girl back making her fall into the floor again. She quickly flipped the vampire over straddling her as Lily tried to escape Mrs Thornhill's grip. She growled baring her fangs in defence.
"Don't move another inch" Thornhill muttered placing a knife up to Lily's neck. Lily froze terror in her eyes.
"Don't touch her!" Wednesday shouted. Thornhill's head snapped up and Lily went to look up but remembered the knife placed snuggly against her neck.
"And what are you going to do Wednesday" Thornhill retorted.
"Let her go..please" Wednesday pleaded
"Aww you're begging now how sad" Thornhill mocked.
"Tyler come deal with her make sure she doesn't run for mama" she called as she got up kicking Lily in the process. The vampire whimpered once again before violently coughing. Tyler came over grabbing Lily and dragging her up off the floor. Lily could do nothing but watch as the scene unfolded, she watched as Wednesday hand is cut and placed on crackstones grave. He appears and Thornhill greets him. That's when she got her plan into action she turned her body around in Tyler's grin before sinking her fangs into his neck. He yelled and let go of her she the vampire limped her way over to crackstone. Lily shoved him hard and he turned around. Using his stick he sent her flying back against the wall pinning her there. She grunted in pain. Crackstone turned back to Wednesday stabbing her in the stomach and twisting the knife.
"Burn in the internal fires of hell where you belong" he shouted walking out with Thornhill, Tyler had already gone. Lily dropped to the floor as he left.
"Wednesday" she mumbled painfully dragging herself across the floor towards her dying girlfriend.
Wednesday was talking but no one was there.
"Who are you talking to Nessy" lily asked looking confused. All of sudden Wednesday's wound disappeared and she turned to look at Lily.
"Lily thank god you're alive" Wednesday mumbled frantically as she pulled the vampire in for a hug.
"Come on we have to go back to the school" Wednesday continued as she stood pulling Lily up with her. Lily whimpered in pain as she clung to Wednesday.
"Can you walk?" Wednesday asked concerned.
"I'll do my best" lily muttered back as she pulled Wednesday forward. She limped slowly with the help of Wednesday. It was so unbelievably painful for Lily to walk but she tried it to let it show. Suddenly they were faced with Tyler.
"Laurel said you were dead" Tyler said nonchalantly.
"I'm feeling much better now" Wednesday replied.
"You're like a cockroach" he snapped at her.
Lily stayed silent still clinging to Wednesday.
"Please,flattery will get you no where" Wednesday retorted. Tyler pushed the vampire to the floor and grabbed Wednesday by her blazer.
"This will not end well for you" Wednesday stated.
Tyler started transforming to the Hyde. He picked Wednesday up slamming her into a tree trunk.
"Let her go!" Lily screamed still laying on the floor. Suddenly as Tyler was about to strike Wednesday a wear wolf attacked him. The wolf turned to look at the two of you.
"Enid" you both murmured in unison. The two started fighting Wednesday ran over to you picking you up a she did she feel something wet she pulled her hand back seeing the blood.
"Where's that coming from?" she asked worried.
"I-I don't know come on let's just go" lily stammered as she tried to stand. Wednesday picked her up again and ran knowing they didn't have much time. Once they got to the school Wednesday had grabbed a sword and placed Lily down in the quad before facing crackstone
"Howdy Pilgrim" she spoke up getting his attention. He turned around.
"How canst thy heart still beat? What demon sorcery is this?" He yelled.
"Stay away from her!" Xavier screamed as he shot an arrow. Crackstone slowed the arrow down before turning it back in Xaviers direction, Wednesday step in front of it closing her eyes waiting for the surge of pain only for it to never come. She opened her eyes seeing her girlfriend laying on the floor the arrow in her shoulder.
"Lily! No" Wednesday shouted kneeling beside the vampire.
"Hey I can't die remember. I'm in pain but I'll live" Lily coughed as she gave the black haired girl a small smile. She ripped the dart out yelping as she did.Xavier came running over.
"Get her out of here!" She told him.
"No I'm not going anywhere!" Lily protested.
"You are!" Wednesday argues back watching as her girlfriend fought against Xavier before turning back to face crackstone. She held the sword up and fought with him but the sword collided with crackstones magic walking stick and shattered into pieces. He used his magic to throw Wednesday at a picnic bench he held her there as the air was sucked out of her lungs.
"I will send you back to hell" he laughed.
He was stabbed from behind by Bianca and he turned around throwing her back. Wednesday took her chance and as he turned back around she stabbed him right through his black heart just as Goody had told her to. She watched as he turned to dust and exploded. Wednesday and Bianca nodded at each other before she heard Laurel behind her.
"You brought a gun to a sword fight. It's probably the first smart decision you've made today" Wednesday stated.
"I might not get to kill all the outcasts,but at least I'll get to kill you, Wednesday" Laurel replied smiling.
A bee landed on the end of the gun causing Laurel face to drop as she looked at it in confusion. Suddenly thousands of bees flew over attacking her thanks to Eugene
"Yeah,that's what you get for messing with Nevermore. Bitch" Eugene spoke up as he walked over. Wednesday looked on eyes wide.
"Hummers stick together,right?" He spoke again. Wednesday looked at him before looking back at Laurel as she stepped forward.
"I'll take it from here" Wednesday stated.
"Maybe we should call the sheriff?" Eugene asked.
"Turn around,Eugene" Wednesday told the boy.
She walked closer to Laurel and stomped her foot straight onto her face.
Outside the school gates Lily lay on the grass waiting nervously.
"Lily!" She heard someone yelled before she felt herself being wrapped in someone's arms. She could smell the faint sent of roses.
"Enid?" Lily asked pulling away from the girl.
"I'm so glad you're okay" Enid mumbled as she smiled brightly at the vampire.
"Wait! Where's Wednesday" Enid stopped standing up as she walked through the crowd. She saw the black haired girls figure in the fog, and she ran as fast as she could before hugging the girl tightly. Wednesday pushed her back and gave her a dearth stare before pulling the girl back into a hug. They walked over to Lily together and had a group hug.

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