Chapter 24- run away

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A few days went by and Lily started to settle back into routine again. They were currently in science and today they were doing a practical and got to pick their groups. Lily went with Wednesday and Enid. Lily and Enid tied their hair back and listened to the instructions.
"Okay everyone before we start make sure your sleeves are rolled up please" Mrs Cris spoke and Everyone did as told apart from Lily who's eyes widened.
"Lily please roll your sleeves up like everyone else" Mrs Cris spoke as she walked over.
"I-I can't" Lily stuttered.
"Why not?" The teacher questioned and Lily went silent.
"See there's not reason why not so roll them up"
Lily looked down her face red with embarrassment as she rolled her sleeves up. She tried to ignore the gasps and whispers as the students noticed the scars plastered on her arms. Her eyes watered but she wiped them away before they fell.
"Ignore them Lily, it doesn't matter about your scars you're beautiful either way Love" Wednesday whispered as she gripped the vampires hand. Lily looked up and gave the goth girl a small smile as she kept her arms behind her back to avoid anymore stares. They continued with the practical and Lily couldn't wait for a class to end and as soon as it did she darted out the door leaving Enid and Wednesday behind. She ignored their shouts as she ran faster,she ran outside and back into the woods. If the only way she could get some peace was to run away for a few hours then that's what she'd do. She wondered through the woods and found few bushes she could crawl in between and hide. She pulled a blanket from her bag and placed it down on the little ground space there. She opened her phone to spams of texts messages from both Enid and Wednesday. One of them even being a threat to tell Ms Amber's about her disappearing act if she didn't go find them from Enid. She rolled her eyes ignoring the texts and out headphones on as she layed back and enjoyed the alone time. She knew her two roommates would be worried but she needed this right now.

*Time skip*
Lily wondered into the dorm quietly. It had been a few hours since she'd done a runner and she'd just got back.
"Where have you been?!" Wednesday snapped quickly as she stood up storming over to her girlfriend.
"...out" Lily mumbled emotionlessly
"You've been gone for hours! We've been looking all over for you and you come back and the only thing you can tell us about where you've been is out" Enid added looking angry.
"We'll I'm sorry I wanted a little bit of space for a little bit!" Lily hissed back crossing her arms over her chest.
"You aren't meant to be alone you know that" Wednesday muttered seriously.
"Everyone needs space once in a while you know" Lily said her voice raising.
"We'll maybe if you didn't try to kill yourself you'd be able to have that space!" Wednesday shouted and her eyes widened as she realised what she'd just said.
"I'm sorry I-" Wednesday stared only to be cut off by Lily.
"Save it,I don't want your stupid apology or excuses!" Lily muttered as she slid her shoes off and got into bed turning her back to her roommates.
"Lily please I-"
"Don't talk to me!" Lily snapped.
Wednesday turned to Enid looking defeated.
"I'm sure you can sort this out soon" the blonde whispered giving the goth girl a reassuring smile. Wednesday nodded as she sat at her desk.

Lily's POV
She's right...
I shouldn't expect to be allowed to go off alone when I did what I did. I can hear her typewriter, Enid's gone down to got us all dinner and I'm alone her with her. I want to go over,have cuddles and let her apologise and then I can apologise too but I won't I'm too stubborn.

No ones POV
Enid wondered back into the room with three bowls of soup,she gave one to Wednesday and put a bowl on her desk before walking over to Lily.
"Lily I brought you some soup" she spoke softly. Lily didn't reply she just laid there sulking.
"I'll leave it on your desk for you" Enid added before walking away. The air was thick with tension that seemed to get worse the longer nobody spoke. Eventually Wednesday had enough and stomped over to Lily.
"Lily we are gonna sort this out. Now" Wednesday muttered as she sat on the end of the vampires bed.
"No. Go away" Lily squeaked out not turning to look at her girlfriend. Wednesday pulled the blanket off the shy girl and straddled her waist. Lily covered her face still pouting.
"Come on Lily. Let's just sort this out I'm staying her till we do" Wednesday demanded.
"Fine" Lily huffed as she rolled her eyes.
"I'm sorry that I said what I said but you have to understand that I was really worried" Wednesday spoke first as she stared into pools of green.
"I know...but I just- I needed space" Lily mumbled.
"I'm sorry" she whispered.
Wednesday layed her head on the vampire chest hugging her tightly.
"Forget about this?" She asked the shy girl.
"Forget about it" Lily breathed feeling safe once more.
"Aww see I told you Wednesday I know you would work it out" Enid beamed from the her spot at her desk.

Word count: 931

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