Chapter 28- Arrested part 2

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They'd been at the police station for well over 2 hours now. All three of them were put in the holding cell. Wednesday had tried to speak to Lily but the vampire hadn't uttered a single word since they got there. She just sat with her knees to her and rocked back and forth in a comforting manner.
"Lily" Wednesday murmured sitting in front of the vampire. This time Lily had a reaction, she lifted her head slowly and looked at her girlfriend.
" you" Wednesday continued. Lily didn't reply she just let herself melt into Wednesday's arms. She hid her face in Wednesday's shoulder. Shortly after the cell door locked clicked and the door opened wide.
"Come on! Someone's here to collect you" the officer muttered. The three girls jumped up following the officer to the desk. There they saw Ms Ambers,she did not look happy whatsoever. They left the station and got into her car, she hadn't said a word yet but all three girls knew they were done for.
"What the heck we're you thinking?!" Ms Ambers yelled and Lily flinched about to speak but Wednesday got there first.
"We were all worried about Lily's brother and so we went to see him. We took him for ice cream as per his request. He was so happy to see Lily, we were gonna take him back" She muttered and gave Lily a look as if to say 'don't you dare say a word'.
"Well,all three of you have detention for the next month" Ms Ambers hissed.
"And Enzo has been taken into care, apparently social services(CPS) have been called to the home more than 5 times in the last few months and this was your parents final chance to sort themselves out Lily and they blew it. You are also in foster care but they are allowing you to stay at school" Ms Ambers continued as she drove.
"What?! Where is he? Who's taking care of him? Can I see him?" Lily bombarded the principal with questions.
"I'm not sure, you'll be meeting a social worker as soon as we get back to school" Ms Amber's told her. Lily sighed angrily and there was silence the whole car ride back to Nevermore. Wednesday kept her hand on Lily's knee and rubbed small circles with her thumb the whole time. Once they arrived Wednesday and Enid were sent back to the dorm and Lily was taken to Ms Amber's office, in there was a tall blonde woman waiting. The both sat down and the woman turned to look at Lily.
"Hi, you must be Lily. I'm Rita Davis, your social worker" The woman said softly a small smile on her face.
"Where's my brother?" Lily hissed a hostile expression on her face.
"He's safe. He's with his new foster parents" The woman continued.
"Can I see him? Will I go there during the breaks?" Lily continued to question the woman.
"Unfortunately,not. He's been placed for away from here and you will be placed somewhere else. We need you both to settle and being togeth-" Rita was cut off by the vampire.
"WHAT?! YOU CANT DO THIS" Lily screamed slamming her fist on the desk hard. She stood up throwing her chair across the room her pupils were fully dilated as anger surged through her body.
"Lily I think you should-" Rita tried talking again only to be cut off.
"SHUT UP! SHIT UP,SHUT UP!" Lily screeched before storming out of the room ignoring the shouts of Rita from the room. She ran back to the room and stormed in, she didn't say a word as she swiped everything off of her desk, tore her posters down and punched the wall over and over again. Wednesday walked over pulling her away from the wall and into a hug.
"Lily. Breath" She spoke softly.
Lily's eyes were blood red as she let put harsh breaths, she didn't pull away from Wednesday though as she melted into the goths touch. Enid watched from her bed worried sick for her close friend. Lily breath caught in her chest and she coughed violently. She could feel the panic rising inside her and she tried desperately to catch her breath. Wednesday noticing this sat her down on the bed and held her hand.
"Lils, remember what we practiced. Put your hand on my chest and feel my breathing and try and copy it. Ready?" Wednesday spoke quickly grabbing Lily's hand and placing it on her chest. The vampires eyes were screwed shut as she continued to try catching her breath. Her body was violently shaking, her forehead slick with sweat. She felt the slow rise and fall of Wednesday's chest and the soft beating of her heart. She did her best to copy it and eventually she felt herself calm down. Her eyes opened and she looked into Wednesday's dark eyes. She turned to see Enid sat on the floor beside them holding her other hand and she allowed it.
"What happened in the meeting, mi amour?" Wednesday asked slowly.
"They-they placed Enzo with foster parents...but-but they said I can't see him and that I won't be placed with him" Lily uttered out. Before Wednesday could answer there was a knock on the door before it opened. It was Rita, she looked apologetic.
"Lily. I'm sorry-" she muttered.
"Get out!" Lily hissed.
"Lily, you have to understand this is for the best" she added.
"How is splitting me up from Enzo what's best for me?! He's the only family I've got. Are you trying to traumatise us more?" Lily uttered raising her voice.
"Once we feel you're in a good place maybe you can visit. Just...not right now. I'm sorry,honey" Rita continued.
"Just,go away! You don't get it. I hate you!" Lily yelled.
"I'll come again tomorrow, once you've calmed down a bit and had a chance to think" Rita mumbled before walking out and closing the door.
"H-How is this fair?! He's my brother and they are taking him away from me" Lily stammered.
"I'm so sorry Lily" Enid whispered.
"I'm sick and tired of people acting like they know what's best for me. I can take care of my brother, they're acting like I put him in danger. I don't! I just try and save him from danger" lily spoke her voice getting quieter and quieter till it was almost a whisper.
"you don't deserve this" Wednesday told her as she hugged the vampire tightly.

(I do experience panic panic attacks myself but it's hard to write about them because in my head it all feels like a blur so a lot of it is hard to remember and stuff. If you experience panic attacks or mental health problems in general then I want you to know I understand and I'm here for you. Thank you for reading my lovelies)

Word count: 1164

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