Chapter 20- oh no..

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Weeks had passed, Lily's panic attacks continued and got more often now. Right now all three girls were sat on Wednesday's bed trying to figure out how to do the homework,it was really stressing Lily out so Wednesday had suggested they all do it together as she noticed the vampires struggles. So far they hadn't done much as they all found it difficult, this was going to be harder than they thought. They were writing essay's for English and it was a much longer one than usual. Lily stood up and threw the notebook and the floor.
"I can't figure out how to do this. I need to get a good grade!" Lily yelled as she paced the room.
"Lily calm down it okay! We'll figure it out" Wednesday reassured her.
Lily didn't say anything as she stormed out the room slamming the door behind her. She'd been getting much more frustrated lately. She wondered outside and found the secluded bench that she found herself sitting at a lot.

Wednesday's POV
Enid stood and was going to go after Lily.
"Enid let her go. She needs space" I muttered stopping the blonde in her tracks. She turned to me and nodded.
"She's been getting angry a lot lately. Even over little things like this" Enid stated taking a seat back beside me.
"Can you blame her? She's going through a lot" I replied nonchalantly and the werewolf nodded.
I'm really worried about her though, I can't shake off the feeling that she isn't opening up as much as she's making out and that she's bottling up too much. I know exactly what it's like to bottle things up and it never ends well. Me and Enid took a break on the work and went to do our own things. We decided it was best to wait till Lily came to us instead of going to find her since she needed to be alone.

No one's POV
Lily walked through the woods alone listening to music through her headphones. She walked aimlessly through the river of fallen leaves that lay across the ground,covered in a thin layer of white ice. As she walked on she heard a noise but brushed it off thinking it was just her music but as she continued walking there was another sound. Lily immediately took off her headphones and froze in place,she listened carefully and heard a twig snap behind her. She slowly turned around,fearing the worst but there her brother stood in front of her.
"Enzo?" Lily whispered.
"Elle!" He squealed as he ran over hugging her legs.
Enzo was only 5,Lily was shocked to see him. How had he managed to find her?
"Enz,What are you doing here?" Lily murmured as she picked the small boy up.
"I missed you! So I came to find you. Mama and Papa told me not to talk about you and that I wouldn't see you again" Enzo mumbled a sad expression on his face.
"Oh Enzo" lily sighed as she kissed the top of the boys head.
"Please let me stay with you! I don't wanna go back. Mama is mean now" the blonde boy whined as tears filled his eyes.
"Hey,hey it's okay. I've got you Enz,everything will be alright" Lily reassured.
She made her way back out of the woods and towards the school.
"Where we going?" Enzo asked shyly.
"Well, I have to tell someone you're here people might be looking for you buddy" Lily told the small boy. Enzo pouted not wanting to be made to go home. Lily walked to Ms Ambers office and knocked on the door hard. The door swung open and she walked in. Ms Ambers looked confused.
"Who's the little one?" She asked.
"...My brother,Enzo. He ran away from home to look for me. I have no idea how he even managed to find me. But we gotta tell someone because people might be looking for him" Lily explained nervously.
"Okay...Well I'll contact sharif Galpin now to see if he can trace any missing persons report for him. In the meantime take him to your dorm and get him cleaned up. The poor boy is covered in mud" Ms Amber's stated and Lily nodded before walking out of the room. She wondered through the hallways getting strange looks from the students around her but in that moment for the first time she didn't care she was just happy to see her brother and glad he was alright. They arrived at the dorm and Lily walked in quickly pushing the door shut behind her as she rocked the brown eyed boy in her arms.
"What the-" Enid began but was cut off by Lily.
"My brother,Enzo"
Her two roommates looked confused.
"What's he doing here?" Wednesday asked curiously.
"He ran away from home to look for me" Lily sighed as she walked into the bathroom and turned the shower on,she placed her brother down.
"Here,jump in the shower bud. I'll go get you a towel" Lily told the small blonde who nodded in reply. She walked out leaving the door slightly ajar as she walked over to her closet and pulled out a towel which she placed in the bathroom. She searched through her closet again looking for something the boy could wear. She groaned as she tossed her clothes across the room. Her two roommates watched the stressed vampire unsure of what to do. Lily finally pulled out a plain black shirt and some shorts, knowing these would be far too big for her brother but it was all she had. She slipped them into the bathroom and asked Enzo if he was okay which he had said yes. She paced the dorm as she talked to herself.
"Love. Come sit down stop pacing" Wednesday murmured. Lily nodded and sat next to the two girls.
"It's just I don't know what to do! I don't even know how he found me. Why weren't my parents watching him properly?" She whisper yelled.
"It's gonna be okay" Wednesday reassured the vampire and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.
"Elle! The shorts are too big they won't stay up" Enzo yelled from the bathroom.
Lily immediately stood going to help her brother. She tightened the strings on them and tied it into a little bow.
"There" she smiled and stood up.
Enzo pouted as he reached his arms up wanting to be carried and of course Lily couldn't say no so she turned the shower off and picked the small child up onto her hip before walking out of the bathroom.

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