Chapter 23- Recovery

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*There is some kissing in this chapter*

A few days passed, Lily had spoken to the psychiatrist who prescribed her some antidepressants. Today was the day she got to go back to school, she'd just been released and was in Ms Ambers car on the road back to Nevermore.
"There's going to be a lot more monitoring for a while. We want to keep you as safe as possible" Mrs Ambers began and Lily nodded.
"You will have to be with Enid or Wednesday at all times and when it comes to using the bathroom you are to leave the door open a crack so the girls can hear you" She continued.
"Aw come on! I can't even use the bathroom in privacy. Seriously!" Lily complained shaking her head.
"I'm sorry Miss Forbes this is how it's going to be End of story. Ah we're here! Come on I'll walk you to your dorm now" Ms Ambers told the girl as she got out of the car, Lily followed her head down,body slouched as she dragged her feet across the floor. They go to the dorm and Ms Ambers waved goodbye to the vampire wanting her to do this part alone. Lily reached a shaking hand out to the door knob turning it slowly. She carefully pushed the door open to see her two roommates stood in the middle of the room waiting for her. Enid had a huge grin on her face as she saw Lily and Wednesday had a small smile the one she reserved for her girlfriend only.
"Hi.." Lily squeaked out as she closed the door behind her.
"Lily! Are you okay? I've missed you. Have you missed me? Did they make you better?" Enid bombarded the vampire with questions as she bounced from foot to foot.
"Hey, hey Enid slow down. And the answers to your questions are yes,yes and yes" Lily chuckled and Enid smiled brightly going red with embarrassment.
"Hi mi amore" Wednesday spoke softly from beside the werewolf.
"Hi Nessy" Lily murmured walking over to the shorter girl.
"How are you...feeling?" Wednesday mumbled looking into the vampires green eyes. Lily hesitated before speaking
"...Much better" she said a small lopsided grin on her face.
"Right before I do anything I gotta go to the bathroom" Lily voiced as she walked into the bathroom closing the door behind her hoping neither of her roommates would say a word about it but luck wasn't on her side today.
"Lily,open the door a crack you know the rules" Wednesday called from outside the bathroom. Lily groaned as she pulled the door open ajar. She looked in the mirror at herself, she didn't recognise the person staring back at her. Purple bags lay under her eyes,her skin was pale,her hair was much thinner than it used to be and her eyes they looked...dead like they had no hope left behind them. Lily sighed as she rolled the sleeves of her hoodie up or should I say Wednesday's. Red,purple and white scars covered one arm as well as a large bruise on her hand from the Iv while the other still lay wrapped in white,she'd had her stitches removed before leaving and she still hadn't had the courage to look under the thick bandages. She shook her head rolling her sleeves down before washing her hands and wondering out of the bathroom. Enid was now sat reading a magazine on the floor by the window while Wednesday was sat on the edge of her bed zoned out. Lily started walking over quietly but she ended up tripping over a loose floorboard and tumbling to the floor. This startled her two roommates who immediately turned to look at the vampire on the floor. Lily let out a small groan before standing up and dusting herself off, Enid was practically wheezing from her spot by the window now.
"Enid! Don't laugh it's not funny" Lily whined pouting. Enid rolled her eyes and kept laughing as Wednesday walked over to her girlfriend.
"You're so clumsy Lils" Wednesday chuckled as she hugged the shy girl.
"Oh how I've missed you" Wednesday breathed into the vampire ear before placing a kiss on her neck. Lily froze as she felt Wednesday's breath against her neck.
"I love you" she purred.
" you too" Wednesday mumbled back before the two separated. Enid was sat with her hands over her eyes fingers spread slightly apart so she could see.
"Enid really? We weren't doing anything inappropriate" Lily chuckled looking at the werewolf.
"Well uh- I'm just gonna leave now" Enid said quickly as she ran out the door. Wednesday went over a layed on her bed,she called Lily over which the shy girl immediately skipped over straddling her girlfriend a smile playing on her lips. Blush creeped onto Wednesday's cheeks as Lily leaned in kissing her lips. The kiss was fierce. Wednesday flipped them over and they kept kissing. The goth girl leaned into her girlfriend accidentally pushing her elbow against Lily's ribs earning a Yelp from her shy girlfriend. Wednesday felt a sharp scratch on her tongue and pulled back,the metallic taste of blood filling her mouth and dripping down her chin. She looked at the vampire beneath her to see her fangs at their full length.
"Sorry I..didn't know that would happen" Lily mumbled scratching the back of her neck nervously. Wednesday gave her a small grin as she wiped the blood from her chin.
"Can I...look?" Wednesday asked pointed at the vampires fangs. Lily nodded as she felt Wednesday's fingers poke at her gums and teeth. Lily pulled the goth girls hand away when she felt her pressing on the ends of the sharp fangs.
"Don't do that,you'll cut yourself" she warned giving her girlfriend a serious look. Wednesday just rolled her eyes shaking her head a grin still present in her lips. Oh how she loved her vampire girlfriend

Word count: 1006

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