Chapter 5- Panic

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Lily growled trying to push the blurred person away but it was no use. She didn't like this..the person they were too close. She was panicking now,she could feel her chest getting tighter. She bared her fangs in an attempt to scare the person away but it didn't work they just chuckled.
"What a pathetic excuse of a vampire you are" he hissed at her as he pulled her forward and slammed her back hard against the wall once again. Her ears were ringing now and she could barely make out the persons voice anymore. She was terrified, but she tried not to show it. She growled again fighting the boys restraint. Her eyes were turning red as she tried her best to fight back but he was stronger.
"Don't.Touch.Me" Lily thundered.
"What are you going to do about it. You weak pathetic little bitch!" He whispered to her. It became increasingly hard to breathe as she tried to get out of the boys grip. Suddenly she felt his grip loosen and she slid down to the floor trying to catch her breath. She heard the faint noise of arguing as she desperately gasped for air.
"Are you alright?" Wednesday spoke softly as she crouched down in front of Lily. Lily couldn't reply she just looked up at Wednesday as she tugged at the collar of her shirt,she clawed at her neck feeling as though she couldn't breathe and that's when she everything went black.

*Time skip*
Lily opened her eyes to see she was in her dorm. She turned her head to see Wednesday pacing as she spoke to Enid. She had that worried look again except this time it was worse. Lily whimpered as she relived in her head some of what she had experienced no more than an hour ago. Wednesday and Enid rushed over to her side.
"Lily! You're awake" Enid gasped her eyes wide as she scanned over the girl.
"Are you okay?" Wednesday murmured eying the girl worriedly. She reached out grabbing Lily's hand. Wednesday felt the tingling again. Lily flinched at the feeling but seeing it was Wednesday she calmed down and squeezed the black haired girls hand. Enid noticed the her two friends holding hands and smiled to herself not saying anything about it. Lily sat up in her bed letting out a small groan as her bruised body ached. She threw her legs over the edge of her bed and stood up.
"Where are you going?" Wednesday uttered.
"Chill! I gotta use the bathroom" Lily chuckled before walking into the bathroom and locking the door. She immediately went over to the mirror and pulled her top up looking at her back. It was quite badly bruised,she sighed and slid her top back down. She went over to think sink and splashed cold water onto her face before unlocking the door and gazing at her friends.
"Who was it?" She asked almost to quiet to hear.
Wednesday knew immediately what she was asking.
"That ugly kid you sit by in Mrs thornhill's class" Wednesday muttered looking at the injured girl.
"I'm so done with this school" Lily mumbled as she walked towards the window and out into the balcony closing the window behind her and not taking a second glance at her two roommates. It was cold and it nipped at her skin. She was only in a t-shirt and a pair of shorts but she didn't care.

Wednesday's POV
Me and Enid decided it was best to give Lily some space.I am so angry. What that kid did I'm going to kill him for. I'll cut his hands off and feed them to a tiger so he can never touch Lily again. Why do I care so much? I don't know.

No one's POV-
"We should tell Mrs Weems about this! Someone needs to stop Jack it's not right" Enid commented snapping Wednesday out of her thoughts.
"He better stay away from Lily or he'll regret it" She muttered back.
"You care about Lily..don't you?" Enid asked slowly as to not push the black haired girl too far.
"I guess so" was all Wednesday could say as she sighed. She wasn't sure why she felt all these feelings when it came to Lily, she hated emotions but when it came to the vampire she couldn't stop feeling them.
"She seems to trust you more than anyone Wednesday. I mean she lets you touch her, which is a big thing for her considering everything" Enid mentioned.
"Considering what?" Wednesday muttered now curious about it.
"Mrs Weems told me that she was beaten up pretty bad by her old classmates at her old school and ever since then she hasn't let anyone too close in fear of what they might do" Enid shared. Wednesday nodded.
"She's different with you though. I see the way she calms down when she knows you're close. By the looks of it you are her comfort person or something" Enid added smiling.
Wednesday thought about it and didn't say any more about it instead she decided to go onto the balcony and check on Lily.
"I'm gonna check on her" Wednesday spoke up as she pointed towards the vampire on the balcony.
Lily was stood but the railing deep in thought when Wednesday walked out.
"It's nice out here,isn't it?"Wednesday mumbled walking up to stand beside the vampire. Lily turned to face the black haired girl and nodded.
"How are you feeling?" Wednesday asked as she looked the girl up and down.
"Terrible" Lily murmured back as tears threatened to fall from her eyes. In that moment seeing Lily in so much pain felt like it was ripping Wednesday's heart from her chest and she did something she never thought she'd ever do. She stepped closer to the vampire and wrapped her arms around her waist holding her tightly. She felt Lily's body untense as the shy girl hugged back just as tight. Lily tucked her head into the crook of Wednesday neck and let out a sob. This broke Wednesday's heart, she'd never felt like this towards any other human being ever.

Wednesday's POV
This is breaking me. I can't stand to see her so..hurt. I can feel her warm tears falling against my neck,this feeling I get seeing her this upset is the worst thing I've ever felt. I don't know what gotten into me with all this pathetic feelings stuff. I moved my thumb in circles on her back in an attempt to comfort her I guess but I'm no good at this stuff. I feel glad in a way that she feels safe around me,at least now she has someone I guess.

No one's POV
Lily continued to sob and she held on to Wednesday as if her life depended on it. Wednesday didn't let go, not daring to move an inch knowing that the vampire needed this right now. After a while Lily's sobs quietened down till they were no more than little hiccups. She felt safe as she hugged Wednesday,she didn't understand why but none the less she liked it.

Enid's POV
I sat and watched them both interact through the window and it was so cute. I've never seen Wednesday like that. Thing gestures to me 'I think she likes lily she just hasn't worked it out yet'
"Me too Thing! Aww they'd be the cutest couple" Enid beamed.
"Woah! Thing they're hugging!" Enid gasped. 'Wednesday must feel comfortable too!she never lets anyone near her' Enid thought as she grinned at the pair

Word count: 1278

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