Chapter 29- The foster parents

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Lily woke up feeling warm and cozy wrapped in Wednesdays arms. It was early and her two roommates were asleep. She moved slowly trying to get up.
"Where are you going,beautiful?" Wednesday mumbled groggily her eyes still closed as she pulled the vampire back against her chest and held her tightly.
"Just thought I'd get dressed" Lily whispered back.
"Stay here with me" Wednesday murmured softly as she stroked the girls hair. Lily melted back into the goth girls touch and hummed in response tucking her head into Wednesday's neck. They laid there together for a while before they had to get up. Lily wasn't in the mood to do anything today but she dragged herself to class with her two roommates anyway. She laid her head on the table and prayed for the end of the lesson to come quicker. Wednesday's sat beside the vampire and kept her hand on the shy girls knee in a comforting manner. Half way through the lesson lily awoke to Wednesday shaking her.
"Ms Ambers wants you" the goth whispered.
"I bet I'm going to be forced to see that stupid social worker again" Lily seethed as she stood up quickly and left the room. She was met outside by Ms Ambers.
"Good morning Miss Forbes" The woman spoke. Lily just waved knowing that if she opened her mouth she'd say something she'd regret later. She followed Ms Ambers up to her office where low and behold she was met with Rita,once again. Of course it was fucking Rita who else would it be.
"Hello Lily" Rita chimed in.
Lily gave the blonde woman a murderous glare and said nothing.
"You'll be meeting your new foster parents in a few weeks. It'll be on parent's weekend" Rita continued.
"No I won't" Lily hissed.
"Lily,you've got no choice in this. You have to meet them" Rita muttered.
"I don't want to. I don't need parents I can look after myself" Lily snapped.
"They're vampires. Like you" The blonde woman whispered a small smile on her face as she handed lily a picture of two women. One was short and had curly blonde hair and brown eyes while the other was much taller and had wavy brown hair and green eyes. Lily was speechless she wasn't sure what to say.
"You are okay with lesbians right?" Rita asked quickly.
"Well clearly I am since I'm one isn't that obvious" lily grumbled and Rita nodded and looked apologetic.
"Here's my phone number for you. If you need anything at all, call me okay?" Rita told the vampire as she pulled out a piece of paper with numbers written on it. Lily didn't say anything she just nodded and took the paper before standing up and leaving the room. Ms Ambers ran after her and walked her to her next lesson where she met up with Wednesday and Enid.
"What happened in that meeting? You were gone for ages" Enid exaggerated and Wednesday nodded beside her.
"I'll tell you girls later" Lily barely whispered before laying her head on the table just as she had done earlier that day. It wasn't long before classes ended for the day and the three roommates went back to their dorm.
"What happened?" Wednesday asked before they even had a chance to sit down.
"Well, I'm meeting my new foster parents in a few weeks and they're vampires like me" Lily spoke quietly as she sat on Wednesday's bed.
"That's good! They'll understand you" Enid chimed in.
"I-I guess so. But what about Enzo. He needs me" Lily squeaked out.
"I'm pretty sure his foster parents will take good care of him. You'll see him soon" Enid spoke reassuringly.
"I have a picture of them. My foster parents,I mean" Lily added as a she pulled out the picture Rita had given her earlier and placing it down on the bed.
"They look really sweet" Enid was the first to reply once again.
"They do" Wednesday murmured.
"I guess so. I don't know what to think I mean yeah they look nice enough but I'll be totally alone" Lily muttered taking the picture and shoving it back into her pocket.
"You'll love them I'm sure. And they'll make you feel welcome plus you know my and Enid are just a phone call away" Wednesday soothed the vampire pulling her into a side hug

(Short one again. Sorry for the wait, I've just started new meds and it's been taking a toll on me physically and mentally aswell as all the college work I've got but ima try and write more. Thank for reading lovely people)

Word count: 780

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2023 ⏰

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