Chapter 4- Nightmares

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Another 2 weeks past and nothing had gotten better for Lily. People still avoided her and made sly comments. Though she had started talking to Wednesday a lot more which was one good thing. She'd been having nightmares the last few nights. She'd wake up shaking,covered in sweat and her fangs fully on show. She never remembered the nightmares though,which is what confused Lily most because she had no idea what they could be about.She'd shoot up in bed trying not to make a sound as to not wake her 2 sleeping roommates but it was getting harder as she woke up in more of a state every night. It was night now and she was nervous to go to sleep knowing she would wake up terrified. Her 2 roommates layed asleep in their beds, of course Wednesday lay as though she was dead that always seemed to make Lily chuckle. She settled herself into bed turning the light off above her bed. She closed her eyes praying for a nightmare free sleep and sleep finally took over.Suddenly she gasped shooting up in bed sweating. She breathed heavily as she tried to stay quiet. Her body was shaking violently as she gagged as though she'd be sick at any moment.
"What are you doing?" Wednesday muttered sitting up in her bed. Enid's fairy lights were just bright enough for her to see Lily's form sat on the edge of her bed.
"S-Sorry Wednesday" Lily stammered back still shaking violently.
"What's wrong?" Wednesday whispered as she got out of bed and walked over to the terrified girl.She noticed Lily's body shaking and how pale in colour she was. Her eyes were wide with fear as she stared off at the wall in front of her.
"Nothing I'm fine" Lily replied in almost what sounded like a whimper.
"You're not" Wednesday said nonchalantly as  she sat down on the girls bed. Lily flinched closing her eyes shut tight and holding her hands out in front of her.
"D-Don't hurt me" she stuttered.
"I'm not going to hurt you Lily. It's me Wednesday" Wednesday murmured.
Lily put her hands down as she looked at the black haired girl. She looked...worried, Lily hadn't seen that from Wednesday before.She was still trying to get to grips with that nightmare she had and she was more terrified than she was the last few nights.
She remembered how she felt safe when she held Wednesday's hand and she longed for that feeling of safety once more.
"Can I- Can I hold..your hand?" Lily mumbled barely audible.Wednesday froze for a moment before slipping her hand onto the shaking girls one.She instantly felt lily calm slightly and she felt the tingles shoot up her arm all the way to her chest. She hadn't felt anything like this before. She was snapped out of her thoughts by the feeling of weight on her shoulder,Wednesday turned to see Lily laying on her shoulder soft breaths coming out of her mouth.Wednesday shivered at the uncomfortable feeling of someone in her personal space but didn't seem to move away.

Wednesday's POV
I don't like how close she is but at the same time I don't mind. 'She looks so prett- Wednesday what are you thinking?! Get over yourself'  I shook the the thought away. I laid Lily back onto her bed pulling her hand away from hers. The sleeping girl let out a whine reaching around for my hand. I placed my hand back in hers without thinking, the tingling in my hand was back and I could feel my heart speeding up. Lily relaxed again soft snores leaving her mouth. 'What is this feeling? It's nauseating' I thought to myself.

No one's POV
Wednesday waited a while before slowly slipping her hand out of yours immediately feeling the warmth slip away. She watched for a few seconds to see your reaction but when she noticed there wasn't one she slipped back into bed. By now it was already 4 am and she had a lot on her mind. She couldn't stop thinking about all these new emotions she felt towards Lily. She felt slightly more comfortable letting the shy girl hold her hand although she still wasn't a big fan of physical affection she knew Lily weren't either so she wondered if the vampire felt safe around her. She couldn't sleep with all these thoughts she was having so she decided to read instead.

*Time skip*
Lily awoke to Enid singing. She groaned sitting up to look at her bubbly friend.
"Enid it's too early for this" Lily mumbled while rubbing her eyes.
"Lily it's 11:30! It's not that early" Enid beamed chuckling at the vampire.
"No it's not! It's like 6 am" Lily murmured back as she looked around the room trying to spot her black haired roommate who she soon realised was no where to be seen. Enid didn't reply only letting out a soft chuckle.
"Where's Wednesday?" Lily wondered aloud.
"I think she went for a walk" Enid commented from her desk where she sat painting her nails. Lily stretched before getting out of bed and walking into the bathroom. She brushed her hair and put it up into a messy bun before walking back out into the dorm and grabbing a hoodie. She walked out onto the balcony and looked at the sky. It was cold,it was getting closer and closer to winter. She breathed in the fresh air trying to wake herself up a bit more. After 20 minutes she wondered back inside to see Enid sitting on her bed with a magazine in hand and Thing sitting on her shoulder.
"Enid? Do you maybe wanna walk with me to lunch I could really do with a coffee right now" Lily spoke softly.
"Yeah sure thing!" Enid replied happily.
They walked to lunch together as Lily tried to ignore the dirty looks she got from some of the students which was hard because it hurt her feelings. She got her coffee and told Enid she'd be back at the dorm. As she was walking in one of the hallways she was shoved against the wall. She groaned her head throbbing from where it hit the wall. Lily dropped her coffee feeling her vision blur.

To be continued...

Word count: 1062

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