Chapter 3- Bullying

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Wednesday's POV
Enid finally got Lily settled. They're both fast asleep now. I felt something strange when I saw Lily crying,it was weird I felt..sad for her. Last time I felt sad was when my scorpion died. 'What is going on with me? Shake it off Wednesday' I thought to myself as I stared a Lily. She looks so peaceful when she sleeps.

No ones POV
Wednesday fell asleep shortly after that thought.
Enid was the first to wake the next morning so she went to wake the others.
"Wednesday?" She whispered shaking the black haired girl.
"What?I'm sleeping" Wednesday mumbled turning away from Enid.
"Get up! We have classes today" Enid replied.
"Fine! Go away!" Wednesday murmured as she got up.
"Will you wake lily? I gotta shower" Enid whisper yelled.
"Seriously,Fine whatever" Wednesday retorted.
Enid walked off into the bathroom and Wednesday walked over to Lily.
"Lily? You gotta get up" She muttered to the sleeping girl. Lily whined pulling the covers over her head and ignoring the black haired girl.
"Forbes get up!" Wednesday continued.
"Go way!" Lily mumbled back sleepily.
"No you're getting up!" Wednesday yelled pulling the covers off lily but not touching the shy girl.
"Enid! How do I get her up she won't listen to me" Wednesday muttered through the bathroom door.
"I don't know just keep calling her till she gets up Wednesday!" Enid replied.
'Ugh! Why am I left to do this?' Wednesday thought as she walked over to Lily's bed she got an idea. She lifted the mattress up making the sleeping girl fall off and land on the floor with a thump. Lily groaned loudly in pain.
"Ouch! What was that for?!" She snapped standing up.
"Should've gotten up when I told you to" Wednesday retorted while smirking.
"I'm so going to get you back for that!"Lily sighed as she did her bed. Wednesday rolled her eyes smirking at the vampire's comment.
All three girls walked to class together Wednesday and Lily listened to Enid babble all the way there. Once they arrived they took their seats. Lily was unlucky to have been seated next to one of the students who was mean to her.
"Ugh! You're still here" the student whispered only loud enough for Lily to hear.
"What's your problem with me?" Lily retorted quietly.
"You're an ugly freak that's my problem" He muttered back.
Lily looked down trying to ignore his comment.Class went on as normal and she did her work in peace. All of a sudden there was a sharp pain in her leg causing her to yelp and jump from her chair. She looked up to see the student smirking holding a small scalpel in his hand and under the desk. Everyone turned to look at her. Lily's eyes watered and she ran out of the classroom and straight back to the dorm. Once she got there she settled herself on her bed and pulled her skirt down looking at the small bloody gash on her thigh.She wiped the blood with the sleeve of her blazer and pulled her skirt back up. She went out on to the balcony and sat on the ledge looking down at the floor a long way below. She slammed her fist down on the metal ledge she was sat on and let out a scream. 'Why does everybody hate me so much here?' She thought to herself. 15 minutes later Enid and Wednesday walked onto the balcony.
"Lily..?" Enid called softly as she came to stand beside the girl. That's when she noticed the blood on the vampire's skirt.
"Woah..Lily why is there so much blood on your skirt?" Enid questioned concerned.
"It's nothing" Lily snapped back.
"Clearly it's not let us see" Wednesday chimed in.
"I'm fine" Lily muttered trying not to loose her temper.
"Come inside Lily" Wednesday sighed.
"Fine!" Lily seethed as she got off the ledge and walked back into the dorm. She sat on her bed trying to keep her temper in check.
"Can we see your leg?" Enid questioned calmly.
"I don't want you to see" Lily hissed.
"We just wanna help" Enid replied reassuringly.
"Fine" Lily grumbled as she slid her skirt down feeling the cold air hit her now bare legs. Wednesday and Enid both crouched down in front of the upset girl.
"That's a lot of blood" Enid said feeling slightly whoozy.
"Enid go sit over there! I can't have you passing out on me" Wednesday mumbled rolling her eyes.Enid nodded going to lay on her bed. Wednesday looked at the wound before going into the bathroom and getting the first aid kit. She crouched down in front of the girl and pulled out some alcohol wipes.
"May I?" She asked Lily looking into the girls eyes. Lily thought for a second before nodding slowly. Wednesday slowly wiped the wound,Lily hissed at the pain and grabbed Wednesday's hand.
"Stop for a minute" she breathed out drops of sweat starting to appear on her forehead. Wednesday froze as she felt the tingly feeling on her hand. It was like fire. She was snapped out of her trance as she felt Lily's hand move away. Wednesday wiped the rest of the blood away before applying a plaster and walking back to her side of the room. Lily put a black skirt on with some tights before taking her skirt to get washed. Once she returned she wondered over to Wednesday who was sat on her bed reading.
"Thank you"  Lily whispered to her.
Wednesday nodded in reply before going back to her book.

Wednesday's POV
I can't shake off the feeling I felt when Lily touched me.It was weird I've never felt like that before,it's strange. Thing was sat on my shoulder gesturing 'maybe you like her' he teased. Wednesday rolled her eyes unable to reply to him with Lily and Enid in the room. She knew she'd have to get him back for that later.

Lily's POV
It felt like electric when I touched her. I hate being touched but with her it didn't make me so nervous. I felt I can't shake the weird feeling I get from her. My heart was racing when I held her hand,what is going on with me?

Word count: 1058

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