Chapter 17- A new semester

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Break was over. Enid and Wednesday were already at the dorm unpacking.
"It's so good to be back!" Enid beamed and flopped onto her bed.
"I wonder where Lily is. Have you spoken to her over the holidays? I texted her but she never answered" Wednesday mumbled.
"Nope! I texted her too but I didn't get a reply. I kinda just assumed she was busy" Enid replied.
The dorm room door opened cutting Wednesday off as she was about to speak. The two girls turned towards the door to see Lily stood there. Their jaws dropped when they saw the vampire,her face had fresh wounds all over it as well as some older ones,she had dark purple bags under her eyes and dry blood around her mouth,she was so pale she almost looked like a ghost.
"Oh my god...Lily what the heck happened?!" Enid asked as Wednesday stood there speechless. Lily didn't reply she just sat on her bed pulling her knees to her chest. Wednesday was snapped out of her trance like state and quickly walked over to her girlfriend.
"Lily" she murmured as she went to put her hand on the vampires knee.
"Don't touch me" Lily whimpered swatting Wednesday's hand away. The obsidian eyed girl looked shocked. She'd never seen Lily like this,the vampires looked...lifeless.
"Hey,Hey it's okay love. I'm not going to hurt you I promise. Talk to me" Wednesday whispered softly.
Lily couldn't keep her guard up any longer and she broke down,sobs racked her body and she crawled into Wednesday's arms. The goth girl rocked from side to side trying to soothe the sobbing girl. Her heart was breaking seeing her girlfriend like this.
"I'll give you two some space" Enid whispered as she left the dorm. Wednesday continued soothing her crying girlfriend. After a while Lily's sobs quietened.
"What happened to you Lils?" Wednesday asked cautiously.
"I-I My parents t-they sent me back to conversion therapy again. They w-want me to be normal. I was so scared Nes" Lily cried holding on to the obsidian eyed girl tightly. Wednesday's heart felt like it had been shattered as she listened.
"I'm-I'm so sorry Lils. I should've realised something was wrong when we were leaving for the holidays. I mean you-you looked so scared when your parents came to the dorm to get you" Wednesday stammered looking into the vampires teary eyes.
"I'm going to kill them" Wednesday muttered looking angry.
"Please don't do anything Weds" Lily pleaded and the goth girls eyes softened as she gave her girlfriend a small nod.
"Come on,let's get you cleaned up" Wednesday murmured as she stood up grabbing Lily's hand. She walked the girl over to her bed and went into her back pulling out a first aid kit. Wednesday cleaned the wounds on Lily's face and dressed them.
"Do you have anymore cuts anywhere?" Wednesday asked softly looking at Lily.
The vampire hesitated before shaking her no hoping her girlfriend would believe her.
"You do don't you?" Wednesday murmured looking into Lily's green eyes.
Lily nodded looking down.
"Can you show me love?" Wednesday asked calmly.
Lily thought for a moment before nodding and taking her shirt off. Wednesday's eyes widened as she saw the big purple bruises and deep gashes spread across her vampires body. She cleaned the wounds and bandaged them before walking over to her closet and grabbing an oversized hoodie. She helped Lily slide it on knowing her girlfriend found comfort and safety in her clothes.
"Do you need to feed?" Wednesday broke the silence and Lily nodded.
"They wouldn't let me have any there" Lily whispered.
"I'll text Enid and ask her to bring some up with her" Wednesday stated and for the first time in weeks Lily smirked.
"You got a phone?" The vampire asked and Wednesday nodded.
"Yeah. Xavier got it for me didn't you get my texts?" Wednesday commented as she finished texting Enid.
"No. My phones been dead since I left here a couple of weeks ago" Lily murmured and Wednesday nodded in understanding. Enid burst through the door running towards Wednesday. She had 4 medical bags of animal blood and a cup. She went to pass on to Wednesday but before the obsidian eyed girl could take it Lily grabbed it and started drinking the blood straight from the bag. She drank it so fast her roommates were surprised she didn't go sick. Lily looked up her fangs bared as she reached out and snatched another bag from Enid.
"Maybe you should slow down" Wednesday muttered as she went to grab the bag from Lily. The vampire growled in response pulling that bag away from Wednesday's reaching hands. She bared her fangs and hissed her pupils were massive.
"Okay, okay my mistake there" Wednesday muttered stepping away from her girlfriend. Enid put the bags down in front of lily and also stepped back. She guzzled the blood down quickly, as she eyed her two roommates suspiciously. Once she'd finished her eyes went back to normal and she looked a lot calmer.
"S-Sorry guys. I-It's just it's been so long since I had a feed and I didn't want that to be taken away from me like it was in conversation therapy. They used to taunt me there. They'd put a cup of blood in front of me then take it away when I wanted to drink it" Lily stuttered as she stood up.
"It's okay Lily we get it. I'll get some more later just so you have some for tonight if you need it" Enid said smiling at the girl.
"Thanks, Enid" Lily replied giving the bubbly girl a small smile. Enid went over to her bed and gave thing another manicure she said quote on quote 'it's been a few weeks and clearly he needs one!'.
Lily opened her arms and looked at Wednesday with pleading eyes.
"Cuddles?" The obsidian eyed girl asked to which Lily nodded sitting on the bed her hands still reaching for Wednesday. The goth girl immediately accepted going over to cuddle her girlfriend and give her the love she deserves.

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