Chapter 12- Double date

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Enid eventually came around, and she joined lily a Wednesday back at their dorm. Lily still had her cast on and she was getting really irritated as her skin was itchy but she couldn't get to it. She grabbed a ruler and tried scratching but it wouldn't work, she whined and thrashed around on her bed like a toddler.
"What wrong Lily?" Enid beamed looking at the vampire.
"My arms itchy! And I can't scratch it" Lily grumbled back as she rolled too far and fell off the bed with a thump.
"Ughhhh! Ow that hurt" Lily whined.
Wednesday looked up from her book as she smirked at the vampire finding her predicament quite amusing. Lily glared at the black haired girl.
"Hey don't smirk it's not funny" Lily demanded kicking her legs. Wednesday just continued to smirk.
"How long do you have to have it on for?" Enid wondered.
"They said 6 weeks but I'm getting a new cast out on today because I need the stitches taken out" Lily complained.
"Ooo get a pink one next!" Enid squealed.
"No way! I hate pink" Lily replied sticking her tongue out.
"That's my girl!" Wednesday blurted out before realising what she had said.
Lily blushed a dark red,she had plucked up the courage to ask Wednesday what they were a few days ago and both had agreed they were dating. Wednesday also went red, as Enid chuckled at the two. Lily grabbed her phone and looked at her phone, before jumping up.
"Oh shit! I'm going to be late for my appointment. Come with me?" She asked looking at her two roommates who both nodded before getting up and slipping their shoes on. Wednesday and Lily walked as Enid skipped towards the infirmary humming a tune. They got there and the cast was removed. Lily immediately started scratching at her skin.
"Hey! No scratching" a nurse warned giving Lily a serious look. Lily sighed over dramatically, as she slumped back on the bed. The nurse started taking each stitch out it was a bit sore but was bearable.
"What colour cast do you want this time Ms Forbes" the nurse asked. Lily thought for a second.
"Do pink! Do pink!" Enid beamed happily as she bounced in her seat, Wednesday rolled her eyes at the wear wolf.
"No. I hate pink" Lily retorted as she glared at Enid.
"Let's do black and white stripes! Is that allowed?" She asked the nurse shyly. The nurse didn't look to pleased with having to do two colours but nodded anyway. Wednesday had a small smile playing on her lips as she looked at the beautiful girl sat in front of her and Enid. Her beautiful girl. They finished up in the infirmary before walking to the cafeteria for lunch. Lily grabbed a coffee she'd been dying for one since this morning and a sandwich. Wednesday had a coffee with a sandwich too. Enid wasn't a coffee person,she preferred herbal teas, she also had a sandwich. They walked back to their dorm, it was a Thursday but they only had on class at the end of the day today so they chilled in the dorm. Lily complained about the cast the whole way to the dorm. She had a lot more confidence now as she'd gotten to know her two roommates. They sat on floor together and Lily layed herself in Wednesday's lap as they chatted.
"We still need to go on a double day guyss" Enid whined. Wednesday rolled her eyes and shook her head.
"Can we please please please do something today after our last class?" Enid begged.
"Nope no way" Wednesday muttered.
"Come on! Just this once?" Enid asked.
"I think we should"  Lily added thoughtfully.
"You agree to this!" Wednesday said shocked.
"It'll be fun!" Enid stated.
"Fine! We can" Wednesday mumbled rolling her eyes again.
Enid squealed getting up to do a funny little dance making Lily laugh and the blonde.
"Don't make me regret this Enid!" Wednesday warned looking at her seriously. They chatted until they had to leave for their class. They sat in their seats and listened to the teacher talk, Lily zoned out staring at a wall. She didn't even notice the other students getting up to leave.
"Lily!" Enid yelled shaking her hand in front of the vampires face. Lily jumped falling back of her stool.
"Owwww! Why is it always me who falls?" She grumbled as she stood up. Enid laughed hard as tears formed in her eyes she found it so funny even Wednesday had a small smirk on her face.
"Come on! We're going on our double dat now" Enid squealed as she held Ajax' hand. Lily hadn't noticed him standing there. Lily grabbed Wednesday's hand and followed the other couple out of the classroom. They walked to an secluded area near the woods. There was a picnic blanket and some food there.
"How'd you do this?" Lily asked in awe as she looked at Enid.
"I got thing to help! Now come on let's watch a movie" Enid beamed.
They all sat on the picnic blanket and Enid opened the laptop.
"What genre should we watch?" Enid asked.
"Horror" Wednesday muttered.
"But Wednesday I don't like-"Enid started but was cut off be Wednesday.
"It's horror or nothing" she warned.
Enid nodded putting on a horror movie. The movie had only just started and Enid was already hiding her face in Ajax' shoulder and whimpering. It was like that through the whole movie but Lily didn't blame Enid as it was pretty scary even she grabbed on to Wednesday a few times which the black haired girl found quite amusing earning her a lot of glares from the vampire. Then,they walked around for a bit. It was dark now considering it was winter. As they walked Lily felt goosebumps form on her body as the cold air hit her. She involuntarily shivered and Wednesday turned to her.
"Are you cold love?" She asked looking the vampire up and down. Lily nodded and watched as Wednesday slid off her jacket and handed it her. Lily slipped the jacket on one arm and threw it over her other shoulder because of the cast and sling on her arm and she thanked her girlfriend. She felt cozy and safe in the jacket. Eventually they went back to their dorms. Lily put some comfy clothes on but slid Wednesday's jacket back on after. Wednesday sat on her bed smirking as Lily walked out of the bathroom.
"You like my jacket then?" The gothic girl murmured softly. Lily blushed and nodded, before rubbing over and jumping onto Wednesday's bed giggling like a child. Wednesday clambered on top of her and stared down at her smiling girlfriend. There was silence, Enid had gone into the bathroom to get ready for bed so they were alone. Wednesday leaned down and kissed the vampire, once Lily was distracted by that Wednesday's hand snaked towards her tummy and she started tickling Lily. The shy girl burst into fits of laughter and tried to push the black haired girl hands away to no avail.
"S-Stop Nessy! Omg!" She mumbled through giggles.
Even Wednesday was laughing at the girls reaction and blushing a little bit at the nickname. She liked it though she'd never admit it. Lily wrapped her arms around Wednesday waist and hugged the girl tightly to try and stop the tickling which eventually worked and there was silence again as the two girls stared at each other. Lily leaned in and Wednesday closed her eyes expecting a kiss only to feel Lily's tongue against her cheek. She opened her eyes pulling away.
"Lils! What was that for" Wednesday grumbled a smile on her face as she held in a chuckle.
"What did I miss?" Enid beamed standing there with wet hair and pink pyjamas on. Lily burst into laughter as she looked at Wednesday.
"I pretended to kiss Wednesday but I licked her cheek and now she's trying to be mad but she finds it funny" Lily gushed.
Enid chuckled at her two roommates before climbing into bed.
"Nessy! I want cuddles now" Lily whined.
Wednesday couldn't help but give in straight away as she climbed under the covers wrapping her arms around her girlfriend. Though she hated physical affection when it came to her Lily that didn't matter and she can't say she hated it when it was Lily anyway.

Word count: 1420

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