Chapter 19- Panic attack

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A few days had passed and classes had started back. Lily was really struggling with the stares she was getting,due to her wounds that were still healing. Yoko,Ajax and Xavier were the only who didn't stare other than Wednesday and Enid. They were nice, Enid had introduced the vampire to them. They were all in class now,Lily had been put next to Yoko,Wednesday next to Ajax and Enid next to Xavier.
"So,how's things with you and Wednesday?" Yoko asked.
"It's amazing! I love her" Lily blurted out blushing as she realised what she said.
"Awww! You two are-" Yoko was cut off by Mr Duras the teacher.
"What's so interesting that you are talking over me?" He muttered.
Lily and Yoko's heads snapped up.
"Nothing s-sir" Yoko stammered.
"Maybe you should share it with the class" he continued.
"No thanks Mr Duras we're good" Yoko mumbled.
"Stay quiet when I'm teaching! Got it!" He yelled glaring at the two girls. Lily flinched and instinctively bared her fangs out of fear.
"Excuse me Miss Forbes! Are you threatening me!" He shouted. Lily's face was red with embarrassment and she shook her head,everyone was watching the scene play out now.
"Get out of my class and go straight to Ms Ambers office! Now" he screeched and Lily immediately did as told and walked out of Mr Duras class quickly. Tears filled her eyes but she tried her best to brush them away before they fell down her cheeks. She walked to the principals office taking her time. As she stepped up to the door she put her hand up to knock but it opened before she could. She could feel the adrenaline rushing through her body as she walked in taking a seat in front of Ms Ambers. She kept her head down as she toyed with the rings on her fingers.
"I've had an email from Mr Duras about an incident. Care to explain Lily" Ms Ambers began looking at the vampire a serious expression on her face.
"W-Well I...I got n-nervous when he yelled at me. I get n-nervous very easily and t-then I get de-defensive" Lily stuttered her eyes burning with tears.
"Lily it's unacceptable to bare your fangs at a teacher,it feels threatening" Ms Ambers stated.
"I know,I'm sorry. I just get scared" Lily blurted out feeling the tears that she'd been holding back fall cascade down her cheeks.
"What are you scared of Lily? What happened to make you feel this way?" Ms Ambers asked concerned.
"It doesn't matter" Lily muttered as she got up and ran out of the office quickly, she could hear Ms Ambers calling after her but she ignored it. Her vision was blurred with tears as she ran through the hallways. She kept running until she found the dorm and she walked in slamming the door shut behind her before falling to her knees as she let out a small sob. In that moment she let it all out sobs racked her body and she heaved to catch her breath. She felt as though all the air was being sucked out of her lungs. She clawed at her shirt trying to get it off, she pulled violently till the buttons popped off and the cold air hit her chest. She placed her hand on her chest and she coughed violently trying to get more air into her lungs. The more she panicked the worse it got and in that moment she felt as if death would overcome her any second now. She hadn't heard the door open and only realised someone was kneeled in front of them when a soft,cold hand was placed on her shoulder.
"Lily. Lily look at me, focus on me" the voice was muffled but she could tell it was Wednesday. The vampire looked up through her eyelashes at her concerned girlfriend. She was still heaving violently and now cleaning at her throat.
"Lils it's okay. Come on deep breaths" Wednesday spoke as she took her girlfriends hand and placed it on her own chest.
"Look keep you hand here,feel my breathing and try to copy it" Wednesday murmured as she watched the vampire carefully. Lily didn't listen and took her hand away and continued to claw roughly at her own throat. The shy girl was shaking and loud sobs emitted throughout the room. Wednesday sighed as she pulled the girl into her lap, she held both of Lily's hands in her own restraining her. Lily was layed with her ear against Wednesday's chest as she tried to free her hands from the goth girls grip to no avail.
"Shh,shh. Come on Love,don't fight me just listen to my heart beat" Wednesday soothed.
After a few minutes Lily became exhausted and gave in trying to focus on Wednesday's breathing patterns. Her breathing wasn't so erratic now and her sobs much quieter. Wednesday whispered sweet nothings into her girlfriends ear as she watched her slowly calm down. The skin on Lily's neck was red,raw from her violent scratching. Her sobs soon turned into hiccups and she gripped Wednesday's hands tightly.
"What happened love?" Wednesday whispered and Lily hid her face in Wednesday's blazer.
"You can tell me Lils" Wednesday whispered again.
"J-Just freaked out Ms Ambers asked me what was making m-me so scared and it ju-just brought stuff back that I didn't want to remember" Lily mumbled her voice muffled as her face was still hidden in Wednesday's blazer.
"It's going to be okay love, you're okay. I've got you" Wednesday breathed kissing the top of the vampires head. That stayed like that for a while,just cherishing each other's warmth. They missed one class but they didn't care,Wednesday only cared about Lily in that moment nothing else even came close. All other things going on in her life disappeared as she hugged the love of her life,the girl she wanted to marry. Her girl, hers no one else's.

Word count: 1020 : 3

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