Chapter 14- Leaving

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Wednesday layed awake the whole savouring every moment she could with her girlfriend. It was 8 am and Lily awoke, sue stretched letting out a big yawn.
"Good morning love" Wednesday spoke, her morning voice was hoarse.
"Hi,darling" Lily murmured as she sat up to kiss the black haired girl.
"Awww,You're always kissing now. It's cute" Enid squealed as she got up and walked into the bathroom unaware of her two roommates red faces.
"We should go on a morning walk today, you know before I go. Like a little date" Wednesday murmured softly as she grabbed Lily's hand. The vampire looked down as she was reminded of what would be happening today.
"That was be lovely" she mumbled quietly trying not to sound sad.
"I know you're sad but let's make the most of what time we have left hey?" Wednesday asked almost pleading the girl to show a smile, it was breaking her heart seeing her love like this. Lily nodded looking up a little smile playing on her lips.
"But..." Lily started.
"But what?" Wednesday muttered looking into Lily's green eyes.
"You have to carry me" Lily finished her sentence smirking.
"Really Lils?" Wednesday asked looking at her girlfriend as if she was crazy. Lily nodded still smirking.
"Okay,okay fine" Wednesday gave in rolling her eyes.
They threw out their coats and shoes on.
"Enid me and Lils are going for a walk!" Wednesday yelled through the bathroom door at the blonde on the shower.
"Okay I'll catch up with you two later" Enid called back.
Lily stood on her bed waiting for Wednesday to come over so she could jump on the goth girls back.
"What are you doing?" Wednesday asked confused.
"You're giving me a piggy back" Lily replied seriously.
Alright Wednesday said walking over and waiting for lily to get on before the two left the dorm. Lily was giggling, as she clung on to Wednesday's back.
"Woohoo I'm flying!" She yelled as she kicked her feet.
"Ouch! That was my knee love watch where you're kicking those legs of yours" Wednesday muttered as she attempted to be stern with her girlfriend to no avail.
"Can we go to the cafeteria Nessy? I want some blood" Lily asked as she poked the black haired girls face.
"If we really have too" Wednesday replied blankly.
She walked to the cafeteria, there was a few people there and started at the couple. Lily got her blood unaware of the staring and they both left.
"Did you see everyone staring?" Wednesday muttered.
"Nope I didn't even notice to be honest" Lily beamed.
"But I did notice that you are really beautiful" she babbled causing a pink blush to spread across Wednesday's face. They continued to walk, or should I say Wednesday continued to walk, Lily hummed a tune and kicked her legs happily like a little child. Wednesday couldn't help but smile at her girlfriends happy kicks and little giggles,it was adorable. Once they got back to the dorm Wednesday carried on packing, Lily had jumped back on the black haired girls back and had point blank refused to get down stating she wanted all the cuddles she could get. Wednesday had given in almost immediately knowing she'd also miss this when it was gone. The time came too soon and it was time for Wednesday to leave. Enid stood beside her two roommates as Lily clung desperately to her girlfriend not wanting to let go. Sobs emitted through out the room.
"Come on love! I'll see you soon I promise" Wednesday tried to soothe the vampire as she tried not to get too upset herself though it was obvious she felt just as defeated as Lily. The vampire finally let go as Enid came over pulling the girl into her arms, surprisingly for the first time Lily had allowed it to happen.
"Take care of her Enid...please" Wednesday mumbled with pleading eyes.
"I promise I will" Enid spoke quietly.
They both watched as Wednesday walked out of the room closing the door behind her. Lily immediately ran over to Wednesday's bed and curled up on it. She still had the black haired girls hoodie on too.
"I'm sorry Lily. I'm sure we'll be able to see Wednesday again soon" Enid reassured.
But lily said nothing,she just layed there in silence staring at the wall. Never had her heart felt so empty before. Lily got up deciding to go for a walk but as she left the dorm, she felt something hit the back of her head and her vision went black.

Wednesday's POV
I walked into Miss Thronhill's class room to confront her. She jumped as she heard me walk in.
"Wednesday" she muttered shocked
"I thought you'd be halfway to New Jersey by now" she stammered.
"You can drop the act,Laurel. I should've known it was you. Faking your death,securing a job at Nevermore,unlocking a Hyde. Typically,I have great admiration for well-executed revenge plots. But yours was a bit extreme,even for my high standards" I commented nonchalantly.
"Oh,dear. Weems was right. You do need psychiatric help. Can't throw out wild accusations without consequences" she stated.
"They may be wild...but they're true. Tyler told me everything" I replied as 'Tyler' walked in.
"You know, initially incorrectly accused Kinbott of using hypnosis to unlock him. But you used a plant-derived chemical,didn't you?" I asked and she scoffed.
"I know your father kept tabs on all the outcasts in town. So I assume he told you all about the Galpin family secret when you were just a girl. That's why you targeted Tyler. You manipulated him by showing him what his mother truly was. Now, what Tyler didn't realise is that the truth wouldn't free him. It would enslave him to you. That was scary at first,so you used the cave and the shackles. But eventually he willingly became your servant. And when Kinbott came close to discovering the truth,you had Tyler kill her and pin it on Xavier" I continued.
"Ugh. That's enough. Tyler, honey, make Mama happy and shut her up. Permanently" she called to 'Tyler'.
"He's not on your side" I stated.
"Tyler will do anything for me" she smirked as she walked towards 'Tyler'
"Remember what I told you? I showed you who you really are. What they did to your mother... the outcasts made you a monster" she spoke putting her hands on his face.
"If you only hate outcasts,why is he killing normies as well?" I asked.
"They're just pawns in a bigger game. Just like you,Wednesday. Once again,you've underestimated the situation. You we're never getting on that train. I sent Tyler to intercept you" she remarked.
"I never made it to the station. Heard enough?" I said speaking at 'Tyler' who was now Mrs Weems.
"Your slave is probably still at the station" I added.
"Please don't make this more difficult than it already is, Marilyn" Weems spoke.
"My names is Laurel! Thornhill yelled as she stabbed Weems in the neck with a syringe. Weems gasped for air as she fell to the floor. I knelt down beside her.
"Principal Weems! Principal Weems!" I called. She was foaming at the mouth and her eyes were wide. She stopped convulsing and let her last breath out.
"Nightshade poisoning" I stated.
"A fitting end,don't you think?" Laurel muttered.
I turn to face her and a shovel was swung at me. Everything went black.

Word count: 1265

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