Chapter 25- The news

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A few weeks past and Wednesday had decided to teach Lily about fencing. The vampire had wanted to learn for a while but she'd never gotten around to it but today was the day she was going to. They walked into the fencing classroom. Wednesday had given Lily one of her fencing uniforms to wear since the shy girl didn't have her own. When they walked in there was only a few people in the class who were to busy practicing to notice the two of them. They went to a mat and stood at opposite ends.
"En guarde" Wednesday spoke pulling down her mask. Lily did the same and put her sabre out in front of her. Wednesday immediately attacked going easy on Lily to give her a chance. They went back and forth for a while before Wednesday managed to poke her sabre into Lily's side. They carried on for a while before deciding to call it a day. Lily managed to score one point against Wednesday.
"Do you want to go to wethervane with me?" Lily asked quietly as they walked the halls.
"Sure thing my love" Wednesday replied gripping Lily's hand. They walked slowly to Jericho.
"My legs are tired" Lily complained dragging her feet. She stopped and gasped.
"Can I have a piggy back?!" She squealed looking at Wednesday who just glared at her.
"No.way" Wednesday muttered and Lily pouted
"Please" lily begged as she bounce from foot to foot.
"Fine,but I'm never doing this ever again" Wednesday grumbled bending down slightly so the vampire could jump on. Wednesday heard little speaks of joy from her girlfriend as she watched her legs kicking back and forth. She let a small smile appear on her face. Oh how she loved seeing her girlfriend happy.
"Someone's got happy feet" Wednesday chuckled as she walked. Lily giggled clinging onto Wednesday tightly. She turned her head to look at the vampire on her back, she noticed her fangs showing slightly.
She frowned.
"Do you need a feed my love?" Wednesday asked a little concerned.
"No why?" Lily looked at her confused.
"It's just your fans are elongated" Wednesday told the shy girl.
"Oh! That's because I'm excited" Lily giggled and Wednesday also chuckled at her. They arrived at the wethervane and Lily jumped off of Wednesday's back. They walked in hand in hand and up to the counter. Wednesday knew Lily was nervous.
"What do you want mi a more?" She asked softly.
"A latte" the vampire whispered almost inaudibly and the goth nodded ordering the drink for her. They got their drinks and went to sit down beside each other.
"So how are you feeling lately?" Wednesday questioned.
"...I've been doing much better" Lily hesitated.
"Don't lie to me lils...please" Wednesday begged lifting the vampires chin up so that she was looking into her eyes. She could see them filling up with tears.
"I just- I don't know. I haven't been doing well weds" lily stammered as a tear fell down her cheek. Wednesday immediately wiped it away.
"Come here" she whispered pulling lily into a hug. They stayed at wethervane for a while before heading back. Of course Lily wanted a piggy back all the way back and Wednesday obviously agreed. Once they got back they hung out with Enid. She had convinced them to paint each others nails it took almost an hour to convince Wednesday who was now sat pouting while Enid painted her nails black. Lily giggled at Wednesday's expression earning her a sharp glare from her girlfriend.
"You're so grumpy" Lily murmured still laughing.
"" Wednesday grumbled back.
"You are!" Enid agreed with Lily.
"You two are so annoying!" Wednesday barked pouting even more. They bickered back and forth the whole time they were painting each other's nails. They went for dinner and as always they took it back to their room. Half way through eating Lily's phone rang and she picked it up straight away.
'Hello Enzo!'
'No you can't do this!'
The phone hung up and Lily let out a whimper.
"What happened?" Wednesday asked concerned.
"It-it was my mother. O-on the phone. She's t-taken it off of Enzo and she-she said I'll never see him ever a-again" Lily stammered as she layed on her side on the floor pulling her knees to her chest and shaking.
"I'm so sorry lily" Enid said softly sympathy laced her voice. Wednesday shuffled over pulling the broken girl into her lap. She whispered sweet nothings into her ear and the goth rocked back and forth. This always helped the vampire she didn't know why but for the Lily it was usually soothing but this time it wasn't.she tried to pull away from Wednesday.
"Lily calm down. Don't push me away again like last time" Wednesday pleaded with her sobbing girlfriend.
"Please Love. I'm...begging you" Wednesday whispered and Lily paused looking up seeing pain fill Wednesday's eyes. She'd never seen the expression on the goth girls face before and guilt immediately over took the vampire.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry weds" she apologised holding onto the girl tightly. Enid had left again, she didn't like to be around when things like this happened as she felt like she was intruding. But she didn't mind leaving for a while,she had to see Yoko anyways.

(Authors note- I'm SO sorry for the long break guys. My mental health hasn't been great and I couldn't focus on my writing but I'm back! There might not be updates everyday but I'll try my best. Thanks lovelies)

Word count: 940

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