Chapter 10- Sick

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Lily woke up up the next morning sweating with a horrible tummy ache and a headache. She groaned loudly as she turned over in her bed. Her two roommates were already up. Wednesday was reading and Enid was giving Thing a manicure.
"Are you okay Lily? Your face is all read and you're sweating" Enid asked looking at the vampire her eyes full of concern. Wednesday was looking at her too now. Lily mumbled incoherently. Wednesday stood up and walked over to Lily's bed,she placed her hand on the girls forehead.
"You're burning up Lils" Wednesday spoke in a worried tone. Lily looked up at the black haired girl reaching her arms up to her.
"You want a hug" Wednesday asked a little confused.
Lily nodded and Wednesday pulled her in. The vampire nuzzled against her breathing in the scent of old books and a faint smell of cologne.
"When was the last time you had a feed?" Wednesday asked seriously.
"I can't remember" Lily mumbled barely able to string a sentence.
"Enid go to the nurse and ask for some animal blood. They've always got some on hand for situations like these" Wednesday muttered still hugging the vampire. Enid nodded before rushing out the door.
Wednesday sat beside Lily and pulled her into her lap. Obsidian eyes bore into green ones.
"Why haven't you been feeding regularly?" Wednesday muttered.
All lily could do was shrug her shoulders and hide her face in Wednesday's neck. Suddenly Enid burst through the door holding a medical bag of animal blood and a plastic cup with a straw. She looked really worried about the vampire. Wednesday took the cup and the bag of blood and nodded at the blonde as if to say thank you before pouring some of the blood into a cup and placing the draw into it. She brought the straw up to Lily's lips watching as she accepted and drank the blood quickly before reaching for the bag wanting more. Wednesday poured more into the cup and repeated the process until the bag was empty. Lily looked a bit brighter now, her tummy ache was gone as well as her headache though she still had a slight fever.
"Lily, you need to keep feeding regularly and looking after yourself!" Wednesday told the girl in her lap sternly. Lily nodded as she looked down.
"I-It's just my parents, t-they hate that I'm a vampire I thought maybe..j-just maybe if I could stop feeding completely they'd take me back and love me again" Lily stammered.
"Oh love...It doesn't work like that. If you stop feeding you'll just keep getting sicker and sicker. Yes, you'll be alive but you'll be too sick to do anything" Wednesday mumbled kissing the vampires forehead.
Lily let a silent tear fall.
"Lily we don't wanna see you sick. It makes us worry and we just wanna see you healthy" Enid chimed in as she looked at the girl sadly. Lily said nothing as she tried to stop her tears from falling keeping her head down as to avoid letting Enid a Wednesday see her. She managed to stop the tears but her eyes were glassy. She looked up at Enid who smiled at her softly. All three girls spent the rest of the day in their dorm. Lily had been feeling better so she had gone to sit at her desk to do her jigsaw, Enid was listening to music through her headphones while dancing around the room. Wednesday had left to go into Jericho for her therapy session with Dr. Kinbott half an hour ago. An hour passed and Wednesday walked in.
"Enid we're going out tonight" Wednesday muttered nonchalantly.
"Oooo like a girls night!" Enid beamed as she took her headphones out.
"If you want to call it that" Wednesday mumbled.
Lily listened to the conversation silently.
"Is Lily coming too?" Enid gushed.
"No" Wednesday replied.
Enid frowned.
"But why-" Enid started but she was cut off
"No questions Enid" Wednesday interrupted.
Lily put her head down,feeling left out. Why wasn't she allowed to go? Had she done something? She couldn't stop overthinking it.
"Wait how are we going to get out? The schools on lockdown now remember" Enid asked confused.
"I hadn't thought of that" Wednesday shared as she thought hard.
"Wait I have an idea I'll tell them I think I'm wolfing out and I need you to come with me because I'm nervous and I'll need spare clothes" Enid voiced.
"Perfect" Wednesday muttered.
"Well I'm going to grab some dinner before we head out! I'll see you later" Enid chimed as she skipped out the door.
"Lils, what are you doing?" Wednesday asked as she walked over to the girl.
"Go away" Lily muttered a she glared at her feet.
"Is this about me not inviting you out? Look we aren't going an a girls night. I'm taking Enid and Tyler to the Gattes family house and you're staying hear because I don't want to put you in any danger at all" Wednesday began.
"I'm coming with you" Lily commented.
"No you can't go" Wednesday continued.
"You can't stop me. I'm going with you and that's that!" Lily announced.
Wednesday rolled her eyes but nodded as she knew there was no way she could convince Lily to stay.
Later on the three girls left the school and got into Tyler's car.
"I thought this was a date?" Tyler said confused.
Lily looked at Wednesday with a 'what the hell?' Look.
"Well I thought this was a girls night!" Enid said also confused.
"Tyler I never said it was a date so don't call it that unless you want me to dig your grave" Wednesday growled.
Lily let out breath she didn't realise she was holding.
"We're going to the Gattes family home to see if we can find any evidence now drive Tyler or you might just lose a few fingers" Wednesday muttered.
Tyler nodded knowing the black haired girl was probably serious.

*Time skip*
They walked into the house, Enid was clinging on to Wednesday's arm as if her life depended on it and she looked terrified.
"Lily stick with Tyler down here me and Enid will look upstairs" Wednesday voiced and Lily nodded as they parted ways. Lily walked into a room Tyler went to the one across the hall. It looked like the living area, it was covered in dust and cobwebs.
"RUN! IT'S HERE! THE MONSTERS HERE!" She heard Tyler scream from the other room. She ran towards a window and tried to open it but it was jammed shut. She pulled at the window but it was no use. She could here the monster getting closer. She threw something at the glass of the window watching as it shattered everywhere, she started climbing out the window as shards of glass pierced her skin. She managed to escape but fell and landed awkwardly on her shoulder. She whimpered as she pushed herself up off the ground running for dear life. She managed to get to the side of the house and found a gap to hide. Wednesday and Enid were no where to be seen she hoped they were safe. The vampires skin was was badly sliced up and fresh blood seeped through her clothes. Her shoulder was hurting like mad. After what felt like forever Wednesday and Enid rounded the corner. The black haired girl ran over to her.
"Lily! Thank god you're alright" she blurted pulling the vampier into a tight hug. Lily whimpered and Wednesday pulled back worry filling her eyes.
"What's wrong?" She asked.
"Just fell awkwardly on my shoulder that's all. I'll be fine" Lily mumbled a small smile playing in her lips. Tyler rounded the corner holding his chest as he fell to the ground. He'd been scratched by the monster.

Word count: 1320

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