Chapter 16- break

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Lily,Enid and Wednesday were taken to the hospital after everything that had happened that evening. Enid needed a few stitches and had her wounds cleaned. Wednesday was okay,her injuries were all healed by Goody Addams. Lily also needed stitches. She also had a cracked rib and a fractured foot. She was given a boot to wear and some painkillers before they were all free to leave.
"It's been an eventful day" Lily sighed as they got back to the dorm.
"It sure has" Enid replied quietly.
They layed in their beds, Lily on Wednesday's bed of course. They cuddled snuggling into each other.
"I can't believe we-we gotta leave tomorrow" Lily stammered
"'s sad. You guys are coming back next semester right?" Enid asked. Lily nodded quickly.
"Yeah,I guess I could come back" Wednesday muttered.
They turned the lights their lamps off.
"Goodnight roomies" Enid breathed.
"Goodnight" Lily whispered back as she tucked her head into the crook of her girlfriends neck. They awoke the next morning and rushed around packing all their things,apart from Lily who was taking her time. She didn't want to go home but her mother called saying she was to come home and they would try conversion therapy again. She was scared,really scared. There was a knock on the door of the dorm room before it swung open. There stood Lily's parents looking around disgusted. The vampire's heart sank as she took a few steps back.
"Come on Lily! We don't have all day" her mother Mrs Forbes snapped.
Wednesday and Enid as they watched the scene play out.
"I-I" Lily stammered.
"I don't have time for your chatter" Mrs Forbes continued.
"O-Okay I'll meet you at the car" Lily squeaked out and gulped.
Mrs Forbes rolled her eyes as she left with her husband.
"What's wrong Lily?" Enid asked sensing the vampire's fear. Lily shook her head not answering. She hugged Wednesday, placing a soft kiss to her girlfriends lips.
"I'll miss you" Lily mumbled.
"I'll miss you too" Wednesday stated as they pulled away from each other. Wednesday and Enid walked Lily down to her parents car.
"Get in girl" her mother muttered snatching Lily's bags. The vampire got into the car and looked out of the window at her two roommates. She placed her hand on the glass and a tear rolled down her cheek as she knew the hell that was to come over the break.

Wednesday's POV
I can't stop thinking about how scared Lily looked when her parents arrived. She mentioned how her parents didn't want her when she first got to Nevermore but I just thought she was upset to be in a boarding school but now I think it's something more than that. Me and Enid started walking back to our dorm,we split up as she saw her friends. I noticed Xavier at the top of the stairs,he waved at me and I walked up to him.
"I hear you're a free man now" I stated.
"Yup. All charges dismissed...Listen. When I was in the cell I said a lot of...things. Being your friend should come with a warning label. But...I don't know a lot of people who would step in front of an arrow for me,Lily took it to protect you though. So...Welcome to the 21st century,Addams" he told me as he handed me a black box with a black bow wrapped around it. I opened the box and saw a phone sat on black tissue paper.
"My number's in there already. I also got Enid to give me hers and Lily's so they're in there as well" he continued.
"That's a bold move. I hope you're not expecting me to call you" I muttered.
"No,never" He scoffed.
"I'd settle for a text,though...You know what a text is,right?" He went on and then he chuckled.
"Goodbye Xavier" I told him and walked away.
"Hey,are you going to be back next semester?" He called after me and I kept walking.
"Yes? No? Maybe?" He questioned.
I ignored him and walked off to get my things before walking back out and getting into the car. I stared out the window as the phone dinged. I looked down to see texts from an unknown person. The text read 'I'm watching you' and a bunch of photos of me with people appeared. 'My very first stalker. Maybe this forced vacation will be more interesting than I imagined' I thought as I put the phone down next to me and thing pulled it into my bag. I wonder how Lily and Enid are doing, I guess I'll find out next semester...

Word count: 795

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