Chapter 21- Enzo

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Enid immediately skipped over as Lily walked out of the bathroom.
"Hello,little one!" She beamed.
Enzo hid his face in Lily's shoulder shyly.
"¿Quién es ella?" (Who is she?) Enzo whispered to Lily.
"esa es enid" (That's Enid) Lily whispered back and Enzo nodded.
"I didn't know you could speak another language" Wednesday uttered shocked.
"What language is that?" Enid asked baffled.
"It's Spanish.Our ancestors on our mother's side are from Spain. Our grandparents live there, they taught us how to speak it when we were babies. Mother forbade us from speaking it though, but we kept practicing together by talking to each other and our grandparents in Spanish" Lily explained.
"That's so cool" Enid squealed.
"How about you go with Enid and she can show you her stuffed animals?" Lily exclaimed as she put the blonde down,he nodded as he grabbed Enid's extended hand. Lily went over and layed on Wednesday's bed her head in the goth girls lap.
"I didn't know you had a brother" Wednesday breathed looking down at the vampire.
"I know. I'm sorry I should've told you I've just been avoiding all talk about my family" lily whispered back looking into obsidian eyes.
"It's okay darling" Wednesday whispered back as she ran her fingers across the vampires frown lines,smoothing them out. Lily watched as her brother jumped into the mountain of stuffed animals  and giggled loudly,she couldn't help but smile at him. She'd missed the brown eyed boy a lot.
All of a sudden she was snapped out of her thoughts by Enzo climbing onto her.
"Hi bud" she murmured looking at her brother.
"¿Quién es ella?" He asked looking up at the girl his sister was laying on.
"Esta es Wednesday. Sé que parece aterradora, pero no lo es" Lily replied smiling at him.
"Puedo hablar español sabes Lily" Wednesday blurted out.
Both siblings heads snapped up at the goth girl.
"Why didn't I know that? You didn't look confused when I spoke to Enzo earlier" Lily mumbled smirking.
"Hablo con fluidez muchos idiomas, mi
amor" (I am fluent in a lot of languages my love) Wednesday spoke with ease.
Enid looked mind blown as she watched them interact not having any idea what they were talking about.
"Elle. Me encanta estar aquí, ¿puedo quedarme?"
(Elle. I like I here,can I stay?) Enzo pleaded as he poked his sisters shoulder.
"lo siento buddy pero no puedes"
(Im sorry buddy but you can't)
"¿Por qué no vuelves a jugar con Enid un rato?"
(Why don't you go back to play with Enid for a little bit?) The boy nodded pouting as he jumped down from the bed.
"He's attached to me at the hip when we're at home. I mean was" Lily continued looking up at her girlfriend.
"I'm sorry you're going through all this love. You can tell me anything" Wednesday murmured holding the vampire hand. There was a lid knock at the door and Lily jumped up knowing who it was immediately, she dashed over and picked up her brother who was balling now, she swayed back and forth humming to him in a comforting manner. Enid opened the door and Lily's parents stormed in with sheriff Galpin.
"Put him down Lily" her mother screeched as she walked in.
"No! What were you doing? You weren't watching him properly I should've known when I left that you wouldn't be able to care for him yourselfs. I have don't everything for this little boy since he was born because you couldn't be bothered too!" Lily yelled standing up to her mother for the first time.
"I mean it! Put. Him. Down" Mrs Forbes shouted as she walked closer. Enzo clinch on tighter as his mother came closer.
"Please don't make me go Elle I'll miss you" he whimpered into her neck. Mrs Forbes grabbed Enzo and tried to pull him away but he held on to Lily tight and screamed. She finally managed to tear the screaming boy away from Lily and held him tight. He screamed louder and kicked his mother. Mrs Forbes dragged Enzo out the door her husband and Sheriff Glapin following closely and shutting the door behind them. Lily watched as she tried to keep it together, she had no choice but to let them take him. Her knees gave way and she fell to the floor staring at the door emotionless. Enzo a screams echoed through the entire building they were ear piercing, lily couldn't listen to it anymore so she cupped her hands over her hears closing her eyes tight trying to block out the sound. Tears fell from her eyes as Wednesday rushed over pulling the vampire close. Lily wanted to go after them and take her brother back but she knew they'd never allow it. She bawled into Wednesday's shoulder.
"I'll never see him again!" She wailed.
Wednesday said nothing she just held the girl tightly. Soon she managed to get Lily to calm down and all three girls were sat back on Wednesday's bed when Lily's phone started buzzing,so picked up.
"Hello?" She mumbled.
'I'm so glad you're okay!'
'Slow down, I can't understand you bud'
'She did what!'
'Listen buddy. Call me whenever something happens. Im right here okay,Elle's here'
'Okay call me soon yea?'
'I love you'
The call ended.
Lily sighed as she layed back against Wednesday's chest. The obsidian eyed girl had grown more comfortable to Lily's touch and she didn't mind it so much but only for her vampire no one else.
"Mother and Father have punished Enzo! They burned his stuffed animals and made him watch. He's 5! I can't believe they would do that" Lily complained.
"That's not fair!" Enid replied sympathetically.
That continued working on their homework together for the rest of the evening and Lily tried her best not to worry about Enzo but it was hard. They still couldn't cross out a single name.

(Authors note-Guys I'm sorry if any of you speak Spanish, I only speak a little bit I've been having lessons every week for three years but had to stop when I left school though I still wanna learn. Anyways I had to use a translator for some words so I don't even know if it's right)

Word count: 1057

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