1 | Butler

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Hinata Hajime was the heir of a successful company. His parents were still alive now, so he didn't own it yet, but he was already being prepared for the role.

He let out a relieved sigh as he finished the paperwork for that day. He picked up the papers and left his room. "Mom? I'm done!" He called out.

His mother walked around the corner and she took the stack of papers. "Alright,  good job." She smiled. "Oh, by the way, you're getting a personal butler tomorrow. I think it'll be good for you to have someone there to help you out,"

"Oh, really? That... doesn't sound too bad,"

"I'm sure you'll get along. I'm pretty sure he's your age, so it might even be kind of fun. But I also heard he went to some really fancy school where they teach you how to be a butler, so he might take his job a bit too seriously at times," She told him.

The next day, the doorbell rang and Hinata and his mother went to open it. There stood a man with white hair and pale skin wearing some sort of butler uniform. He was holding two big bags, one in each hand.

"Come inside." Hinata's mother said and closed the door behind him.

He put the bags onto the floor and bowed down. "I'm Komaeda Nagito, it's a pleasure to meet you,"

"Nice to meet you too." Hinata picked up the bags. "I'll show you your room." He lead the way and Komaeda followed him.

"Hinata-sama, you shouldn't carry my bags, I'm your servant after all." He opened the door to the room.

"Uh... You're not a servant, you're a butler,"

"Apologies." He bowed down again and grabbed the bags. "Thank you for your help. I will unpack my things now if that is alright with you,"

"Yeah, of course it is. My room's the one next to yours if you need anything." He left Komaeda's room and went into his own one.

Komaeda smiled proudly. He had graduated and gotten a job. Since Hinata's family owned a huge company, they were rich and paid their maids and butlers a very generous amount. He unpacked everything and got out his phone to text someone.

Komaeda: Hey Suzuki-sensei! I just unpacked and wanted to text you since you asked me to.

The other man responded quickly.

Suzuki-sensei: I'm glad you had a good journey. Call me every day, alright?

Komaeda: Will do!

He smiled and turned off his phone. His room wasn't huge, but definitely big enough for him. It had a big window where he could see the city from. He was really happy he managed to get a home and a job so quickly. Then, he left the room and knocked on Hinata's door. The brunet opened it.

"Hinata-sama, your mother told me some things I should help you with. She said I should bring you food and drinks while you work, clean your room and wake you up. At what time do I need to do that? And is there anything else I can do for you?"

"Can you wake me up at uh... around nine? And I can't think of anything else right now, I'll tell you if I do,"

Komaeda nodded. "Alright, thank you,"

Later than day, Hinata heard Komaeda talking on the phone with someone.

"Well, technically my shift never really ends, but I'm sure we can meet up once Hinata-sama goes to his room at night. Ah, but that's probably a bit late. Hm..."

Hinata decided not to talk to him or else he'd seem like he was purposefully eavesdropping. If Komaeda wanted to meet up with someone in the evening, he just had to tell Hinata. And he did. He came up to him and asked if he was allowed to go out with someone in the evening once Hinata didn't need his service.

"Of course you can go." Hinata nodded. "And six is fine, yeah. It's not like I need you 24/7,"

Komaeda nodded. "I see, thank you,"

♡ I was made for loving you | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now