16 | Sweet

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"Hinata-kun, what do you think of my jacket?"

The brunet looked up from his phone. Komaeda was wearing a sweater jacket with bunny ears attached to the hood. He smiled.

"It's really nice,"

Komaeda pouted. "Just nice? Aren't you gonna tell me I'm the most beautiful boy you've ever laid your eyes upon,"

"Huh? I mean I guess so. You're the most beautiful boy I've ever laid-"

"No! I don't wanna hear it anymore!" He fell backwards dramatically.

"What's up with you?" He asked, chuckling.

"I'm sorryyy... I'm just a bit emotional right now..."

"What? Why?" Hinata turned off his phone.

"My stomach hurts and...  Waah! I'm bleeding!"

Hinata's eyes widened and he ran towards him. "Bleeding? What happened? Did you trip?"

"Ah, uhm... haven't I told you? Now that I think about it, I haven't..."

"Told me what? Do you have, like, an illness or something?"

"No, I- Ugh I thought you knew but you don't..." He sighed. "Look, when you... found me on the floor that one time, did you notice anything?"

"Well yeah... you were hurt?"

"Anything on my... chest?"

"Your chest, huh? I... now that I think about it, it looked, you know, like..." His cheeks turned red.

"Like... a woman's chest?"


"Yeah." Komaeda nodded. "Well?"

"I don't get it,"

"Do I have to spell it out for you? I'm trans!" He yelled.

"Oh. And?"

"Don't just go 'and?'! No one wants that kind of response!"

"Well... what does this have to do with your stomach hurting and bleeding- oh. Oh,"

Komaeda pulled his knees to his chest. "You dummy..."

"Hey, I'm sorry." He picked Komaeda up and put him down on the bed. "How can I help you with this?"

Tw: gross things Suzuki said. Idk exaclty how to lable it

"I hate this!! Suzuki-sensei always said I was gross and that he'd try to have a baby with me to stop it!!"

Tw over

"What the fuck..?" Hinata muttered. "I'll get you some painkillers, okay? Uhm... how did you deal with this before? You've been working here for a while, so... if it hurts that bad, you must have taken a day off, right?"

"My cramps have always been really really painful, so I'm used to this, but... I mean... when I have the chance to talk about it to someone, I wanna take it,"

Hinata kissed his forehead. "I see. Need anything else?"

"I'm sleepy, but... I have to work. I can't just take a nap,"

"Well, you're still my personal butler and I don't need you to do anything right now, so take a nap if you want to. Just don't let anyone else see,"

Komaeda smiled. "Oh, yay! I'm so glad I made you like me!"

Hinata laughed and left the room. He came back with painkillers and Komaeda took them.

"Do you maybe wanna... sleep with me?" He asked Hinata, who turned bright red. "I really want to cuddle..."

"I would, but I gotta work,"

"Then work while we're cuddling,"


"Hm... you sit on the bed and I sit on your lap and I put the laptop on my lap and you work,"

"Sounds complicated,"

"It isn't. Come on please! Do it for me!"

"Fine, alright." He sat down after grabbing his laptop. Komaeda sat down on his lap and placed Hinata's computer on his thighs.

"This is much more comfortable..." Komaeda sighed, relaxed. "I'll take a nap now. Good night!"

"Good night." He kissed his cheek.

And as Hinata sat there, working with the man he loved in his lap, he noticed something. He had a lot of money. Like, a lot lot. His parents owned a whole company. And that meant he could spoil the hell out of Komaeda. He knew spoiling people wasn't good, but Komaeda deserved the world.

He opened the website of a shop that was nearby. It was a small business that was owned by an elderly couple who made fancy sweets and drinks. He decided to order something for Komaeda and was told he could pick it up the next day.


Hinata entered the house, holding the box with Komaeda's sweets. The butler was cleaning up Hinata's room right now. The brunet entered it and Komaeda looked up.

"Oh, you're back!" He smiled.

"I have something for you." He handed Komaeda the heart-shaped box.

"Hm? For me? Really?" He tilted his head.

"Yeah. Come on, open it,"

Komaeda curiously opened the box. "Ah, so pretty!" He smiled. "Chocolate covered strawberries are my favorite! And some have glitter on them too! Thank you!" He grinned.

Jackpot! Komaeda liked it.

"Ah, uhm... not to be rude, but why did you give me this? I mean, I love it! But it's not like it's my birthday or anything,"

Hinata shrugged. "Because I love you. I like making you happy,"

Komaeda's cheeks turned pink and he smiled. "Thank you so much,"

♡ I was made for loving you | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now