20 | Beach

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Happy new year! I usually don't put this kind of stuff in my stories, but there's a small reference to a youtuber in here, maybe someone notices it.

"Beach beach beach, we're going to the beach!" Komaeda sang, smiling. "I'll jump in the water and... uhm... commit manslaughter,"

"What?" Hinata asked.

"I couldn't think of a better rhyme," He said and then continued to sing. "I have my boyfriend with me and I have my boyfriend's dog with me!"

"I'm not a dog!" Souda shouted.

"Souda-kun is yelling, that is not compelling!" He sang.

"That doesn't even make any sense in the Japanese language. You can't even speak the language you've know and loved forever!" Souda argued.

"The hell are you talking about?" Hinata asked. He stopped the car and they went to change.

"Yo, soul bro, do I look good in this?" Souda asked after changing into his swimming clothes.

"Absolutely!" Komaeda smiled, giving him a thumbs up.

"You're not supposed to answer!" Souda yelled, blushing.

Komaeda giggled. "I'm sorry, it's just easy to make you mad,"

Hinata grabbed Komaeda's hand and dragged him out of the changing rooms.

"Hinata-kun, there's something you should know,"

"What's that?"

"I can't swim,"


"I was hoping you could maybe teach me,"

"Of course, but... the ocean isn't the best place to practice. Then again, we're grown adults, it's gonna be fine,"

Hinata spent some time teaching Komaeda. He was a very fast learner though, and began swimming on his own after a while.

The pale man went to sit down in the sand to take a break, when a guy approached him. He smiled and looked really friendly.

"Hey there. Do you wanna play volleyball with my friends and I?"

"Uhm, sure! But I doubt I'll be any good,"

The man grabbed his hand. "It's about fun, not about being good." He lead him to the net and they began to play. And Komaeda really wasn't good, but he had a lot of fun.

As he tried to catch the ball, he tripped and fell over. The man caught him.

"Are you alright?"

"Uhm, yes. Thank you,"

The man tucked a bit of hair behind his ear. Komaeda yelped, startling the man and making him stumble forward. Komaeda landed in the sand with the man on top of him.

They both turned red.

"I-I'm so sorry!" Komaeda frantically said. "I didn't mean to-"

His arm was grabbed and he was pulled up to stand.

"I'd appreachiate it if you stopped flirting with my boyfriend," Hinata said.

"Oh, you... you have a boyfriend? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Eh? I didn't know you were trying to make moves on me,"

"Well... I guess that's that,"

"Come on, Souda wants to go home, let's leave. Have a nice day," He told the man.

They then left. Komaeda showered once he got home. Suddenly, he felt hands touching his waist and thighs. He let out a scream and turned around.

There was no one there. "Huh..?"

He then felt hands on his chest. He looked down, but there was nobody touching him.

"Komaeda-san, I heard you scream! Are you alright?" Hinata's father asked from outside the bathroom.

"Ah, yes, I'm fine! I just tripped, but I'm not hurt,"

"Alright, I'll leave you be then." He left and Komaeda got out of the shower.

He thought he had recovered completely, but then why did he still feel Suzuki's hands on his body? It was gross. He didn't want it. He got dressed and walked into Hinata's room. He felt the most comfortable there.

When he had started his job there, he liked his own room the most, but he had made bad memories there when Suzuki had invited his friends over. Hinata's room only brought good memories with it.

He laid down in the bed and pulled the covers over his body.

"Do you want to take a nap?" Hinata asked.

"The shower was weird. I felt like someone was touching me. I don't want to be touched. At least... not by my teachers..."

"Do you... want to cuddle?"

Komaeda nodded and Hinata laid down next to him. The pale man pressed his head into his chest and Hinata rubbed his back.

♡ I was made for loving you | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now