23 | Date

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Short chapter, sorry.
Tw: h//mophobia

Hinata and Komaeda sat on a park bench, kissing. They were on a date and it had been really nice so far. Suddenly, a man and a woman stopped in front of them.

"Can you guys not do that in public? Kids are watching,"

"Eh? It's just a kiss," Komaeda said.

"Yeah, but... You're both guys. Not to be homophobic or anything, but... you know..." The woman said.

"But that is homophobic," Hinata said. "What's so bad about two men kissing?"

"It's not bad! Just... what if the kids turn gay?"

"They won't. Even if they do, if you don't dislike gay people, what would be the issue with that?"

She rolled her eyes. "Look, just stop it. There's reasons why you guys aren't allowed to get married,"

"Bad reasons," Komaeda said, frowning. "Just leave us alone. Imagine if we started harassing you while you're on a date..."

"Don't compare us." The man crossed his arms. "You're some twink and your boyfriend's a confused bastard, we're a couple that's actually in love,"

"E-excuse me? Don't call me that!" Komaeda hissed.

"I'm not confused, I know I love him!" Hinata said.

"Yeah yeah. Just stop already! This is sexual harassment!"

Komaeda's eyes widened. "It isn't! I-I just wanted to go on a date in peace! You're the one harassing us!"

"Look, you fa-"

"Don't say that word," Hinata hissed.

"What are you gonna do about it?" He smirked. "Kiss me? Like the pervert you are,"

Komaeda had an idea on how to make them leave them alone. He burst into tears.

"S-stop being so mean... I-I didn't want to make you mad. I'm s-sorry..."

"Huh?" The woman gasped. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you cry!"

"Mm... s-stop calling me bad words and y-yelling at me..."

Hinata pulled him into a hug. "Hey, it's okay, babe,"

Later, on their way home, Komaeda giggled. "You know I was just acting, right? When I cried,"

"Oh, you were? I bought it,"

"Haha!" Komaeda laughed.

Hinata smiled and grabbed his hand. "I love you,"

The pale man blushed. "Oh! I love you too!"

♡ I was made for loving you | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now