12 | Hero

210 13 10

Tw: mentions of past SA

"One time, Watanabe-sensei got mad at me because I said no. He wanted to make me wear a short dress and I didn't want to, so during lunch, he... he brought me into the cafeteria and... a-and touched me... in front of everyone..." Komaeda admitted. "Nakahara-sensei would, whenever a student acted up during class, he'd force them to... get under his desk and... and... use their mouth to... uhm... you know..." He looked at the judge, nervous.

"I understand,"

"Your honor, I still have more stories," He said."On the first day of school, Suzuki-sensei... he..." Komaeda looked at his former teacher. "H-he... made me change in front of him and he got into the shower with me..."

"Anything else?"

"There's a lot. All the teachers would hit me if I got an answer wrong. They tried out weird things with me..."

"Weird things?"

"I-I don't know... it felt weird, like they were holding something against my skin that was buzzing... like a razor without the blades and more quiet. I wore a blindfold so I couldn't tell what it was." He took a deep breath. "They hit me and bit me and kicked me and... used other things to hurt me and a few weeks ago, Suzuki-sensei called over his friends to... touch me. Hinata-kun found me in my room,"

"Hinata-san, I assume this is correct?" The judge said.

"Yes, your honor. I found him." Hinata nodded.

"A few days ago, Suzuki-sensei abducted me. He drove me to his place and... a-and assaulted me... H-he hurt me a-a lot and- and- and-!"

"Komaeda-san, take a deep breath and drink something if you want to," The judge said.

"Y-yes, thank you. U-uhm..."

"How old were you when you were brought to the school and why were you there?"

"I was fifteen. I went there because my parents passed away and all the orphanages near me were full,"

Komaeda remembered his testimony. He remembered everything they did to him.

Now he laid in bed, unable to sleep. He knew they couldn't get him. They couldn't punish him anymore. They couldn't hurt him, but he was still scared. What if he woke up on the floor again? What if someone took advantage of him in his sleep?

He nervously got up and knocked on Hinata's door.

"Come in,"

Komaeda opened the door and saw Hinata sitting at his desk. "You're still working?"

"Yeah. The trial and stuff took up a lot of my time,"

"I'm sorry. That's my fault,"

"Don't apologize, you deserved to get justice,"

"I guess so. I mean, if you say so it must be true. You're smart,"

"Anyways, what did you need?"

"I can't sleep,"

"So, do you wanna sleep here?"

Komaeda sat down on his bed. "Can I?"

"Sure. Just don't take up all the space in my bed, yeah?" He chuckled and continued typing.

"Alright..." Komaeda yawned. "Thank you. For everything,"

"No need to thank me,"

"No, really." He pulled the blanket over himself. "Thank you. I mean it. You're my hero,"

♡ I was made for loving you | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now