15 | Slow

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Komaeda was quickly stacking dirty plates on top of each other. He hurried to the dishwasher and put them inside. Then, he grabbed the plates with the new food and set them down in front of each person. The Hinatas has guests over that night and Komaeda was so exhausted. They were all very rich and rude and kept on criticizing Komaeda and making him do everything over and over until they deemed it perfect which caused him to miss his break. He hadn't been able to eat, but the Hinatas didn't know so they didn't tell him he could take a break now.

"Butler?" One of them called out.

"Uhm, yes?"

"Don't say 'uhm'. It's called 'yes, master?',"

Komaeda clenched his fists. "What can I do for you?"

"That's fine too, I guess. Bring me my phone,"

"Where is it?"

"A good butler would know,"

Komaeda began feeling really exhausted now and his stomach hurt. He took a deep breath. He had been through situations worse than this. "Where is it, sir?"

"A good butler would-"

"Where is your phone?" He hissed.

"How dare you speak to me like-"

"Just tell me where it is, jeez!"

"I'm the one who makes demands here,"

"Just tell him, my God..." Hinata rolled his eyes.

"How dare you side with this peasant?"

"Togami, shut your ugly mouth. No one cares," He said, annoyed.

Komaeda began to get nervous. "N-no need to argue, I apologize for my unprofessional behavior. Togami-sama, please tell me where your phone is so I can-"

Togami's mother grabbed her glass and splashed all the water on Komaeda's face. Everyone gasped. Hinata sighed. He knew Komaeda wouldn't have the courage to speak up for himself. He would probably just apologize and-

"How dare you throw something at me?" He asked in a tone cold as ice. "You're a guest here which means you show respect for everyone inside this house, including the employees! If you ever show that much disrespect towards anyone ever again, I will personally... p-personally... perso-" Then he passed out.

"Komaeda!" Hinata shouted and ran towards him. "Shit, what happened?!"

"Serves him right-"

"Shut up, Togami!" The Hinatas yelled in unison.

Hinata picked his almost-boyfriend up and carried him into his room. "I'll take care of him, you guys can continue."

He put him on his bed and felt his temperature. It was fine. A few minutes later, Komaeda woke up. "What... happened?"

"You passed out. Are you alright?"


"I'll go get you something!" Hinata ran into the kitchen to bring him food. He came back and Komaeda ate it all quickly. He told Hinata what had happened and how he had not eaten a lot.

"I see. I'll give them a piece of my mind later, don't worry. But, uh, it was really good to see you standing up for yourself,"

"Oh!" Komaeda blushed. "It was really rude, wasn't it?"

"No, it was perfect! They deserved it,"

"B-but I was so mean! I'm just like my teachers!"

"You're not! Not at all! You're kind and smart and not a disgusting piece of shit they are,"

"But I am!"

"No! Not. At. All."

Komaeda looked at him. "Would you kiss me if I asked you to?"

Hinata turned red. "Uh... yeah,"

The white-haired man wrapped his arms around Hinata's neck. "Please kiss me,"

"Are you sure? You, uh, told me to wait, so..."


Hinata grabbed his face and kissed him. Komaeda kissed back immediately. Once they pulled back, Komaeda looked worried.

"I'm so sorry. I-I'm still not ready, I-"

"It's okay! I can still wait. A small kiss doesn't mean you have to date me immediately. If you want we can... start off slow,"

"Slow?" He titled his head.

"Like, we can kiss from time to time and do couple things. That way, it won't overwhelm either of us once we actually start dating,"

Komaeda smiled. "Sounds good,"

♡ I was made for loving you | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now