13 | Hill

219 12 19

Wow a chapter with no TW? That's crazy. And merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates it!! :D

"Be careful, the tea is still hot." Komaeda said, putting the cup on Hinata's desk.

"Thanks." Hinata typed into his computer. "Man, this is boring... I don't wanna stare at a screen all day, it's hurting my eyes,"

"Maybe you could try turning the brightness down and take a small break to close your eyes," Komaeda suggested.

Hinata tried it out. He closed his eyes and it was quiet. A while passed and he then heard Komaeda speak up.

"You're not supposed to fall asleep, dummy." He giggled.

"Haha, sorry. I stayed up too long yesterday. Catching up with all this work takes so much time,"

"Don't you have enough time? I mean, just do as much as you can during the day and you'll finish it eventually,"

"These things do have deadlines, you know?"

"Oh, I'm sorry... of course I'd make such a stupid suggestion, I'm so worthless..."

"That reminds me, don't you have therapy today? You should go now or else you'll be late,"

"Oh! You're right, thanks!" He smiled and left the room.

In the evening, Hinata was on his way to the kitchen, when the front door opened. Komaeda walked inside, carrying a box. He looked a bit upset.

"Hey, you're back late," Hinata said.

"Yup. Uhm, can you come here, please?"

The brunet nodded and walked towards him. Komaeda handed him the box and he opened it. There were four donuts inside. "What do you want me to do with these?"

"Can you tell me to eat one, please?"

"Why exaclty?"

"My therapist said I should reward myself from time to time, so I bought donuts, but... I don't really feel like I deserve them so I want you to tell me to eat one. I can't say no to you so then-"

"Stop that, of course you can say no to me,"


"Komaeda, I get your reasoning and of course I'll help you, but you need to know that you can say no to me,"

"I'm sorry- no, I'm not! I am! Sorry- no! I-I... ugh..." He looked down at the floor.

"What's wrong?"

"It's just... a lot. I'm sorry, I'm your butler, you don't care about this..."

"You're my friend too. Of course I care about you,"

Komaeda nodded and took a deep breath. "There's a lot going on. I lost Suzuki-sensei and had to testify in court and I have to stop apologizing so much and I need to forget the bad things my teachers taught me and my therapist is trying to work through my bad experiences with me and I have to be a good butler, but you don't want me to overwork myself and I... ughhhh!" He put his head in his hands.

"Is it okay if I hug you?"

Komaeda looked at him and nervously shook his head, expecting Hinata to shout at him, but he didn't.

"Alright, do you maybe want to let your anger out?"


"I've got an idea. Come with me, yeah?"

Komaeda's eyes widened. "Where are we gonna go? What do you want to do?"

"It's nothing bad, I promise,"

"Please tell me..."

"Alright. We're gonna drive to a hill that's nearby here and then you can choose if you wanna shout or talk to me or just sit there or do something else,"

"Shout?" He tilted his head. "Why would I do that?"

"It helps sometimes. Now, let's go. Unless you don't want to,"

Komaeda smiled. "I wanna try it out,"

They got inside Hinata's car and then brunet began to drive. Komaeda looked out the window. They arrived a few minutes later.

Komaeda ran up the hill, excited. Hinata chuckled and followed him.

"Are you sure nobody's nearby?"

"Yeah, there's no houses for a few miles,"

"Uhm... can I yell now?"

"Go ahead,"

"But... it's a bit embarrassing. It's weird if you just watch me shout..."

"So you don't wanna let your anger out?"

"I do, but-"

"Sounds like you don't want to,"

"Of course I do! It's just-"

"Are you a coward?" Hinata asked.


"I can't even hear you,"

"I said no,"

"Still can't hear you." He crossed his arms.

Komaeda furrowed his eyebrows. "I said no! I'm not a coward!" He shouted at Hinata.

"Good job." He grinned.

"Oh, I did it! Yay!" He jumped up and down.

"You can shout more if you want,"

Komaeda turned around and began to scream. He didn't say any words, just screamed his lungs out. Hinata had done this a few times before, but Komaeda was screaming way longer than him. He must have had a lot of anger inside of him.

He then began to shout sentences. "I hate my stupid teachers!" He yelled. "And I hate my stupid school! A-and I hate Suzuki! And I hate that it took me so long to bring them to justice! And most of all... I hate myself for falling for Suzuki's lies and trusting him! And I hate myself for thinking I loved him! I hate myself for being so stupid and naive and now I can't trust anyone and it's all my fault!" He was panting after that.

"Uh... that wasn't so bad, right?"

Komaeda fell back into the grass and sighed. He wanted to apologize to Hinata for making him hear all that, but he knew the other man wouldn't want him to. He wasn't mad at him anyway.

Hinata crouched down next to him and sighed. "Do you want a donut? You definitely deserve one,"

"Heck yes I do! Give me one! Sorry... that was rude,"

Hinata laughed and gave him a donut.

♡ I was made for loving you | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now