7 | Flashback

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Tw: P//dophilia, gr//oming

"You must be Komaeda-kun, correct?" A teacher walked up to the nervous boy.


"My name is Suzuki. I'm one of your teachers. Let me show you your dorm, okay?"


He grabbed Komaeda's hand and lead him through the hallways until they stopped at a room. He pulled out a key and unlocked the door. Then, he gave another key to Komaeda.

"There you go. Try not to lose it, okay?"

"Thank you." He walked inside the dorm and sat down on the bed. Suzuki walked inside too and closed the door behind him. He opened his bag and pulled out several unfiroms. He gave one to Komaeda and put the rest into the closet.

"Put it on, okay?"

"Uhm... can you turn around?"

Suzuki put a hand on his shoulder, smiling gently. "Komaeda-kun, I want you to feel comfortable around me, so you'll have to get used to this kind of stuff,"

"You mean... dressing up in front of you?"

"Among other things, yes,"

"I... I don't want to..."

"There's a very important rule you must always remember: Never say no,"

Komaeda frowned. "But-"

"Not buts. Change your clothes, please,"

The pale boy didn't reply, but did as he was told. He was given a tour around the school and noticed that the showers were a bit annoying. They were two big rooms, one for boys and one for girls. In each room, there were small stalls without door handles. Komaeda wanted to shower on his own without anyone else in the room, so he decided to do it in the late evening.

He turned on the water and began to wash his hair. He suddenly heard the door open and footsteps came closer to his stall. Someone tried to open the door, but he did his best to hold it closed.

"O-occupied!" He nervously called out. The person pulled hard on the door and it swung open which made Komaeda trip and fall right into their arms. He looked up and noticed that it was Suzuki. "Wh-what are you doing here?"

Suzuki took off his jacket. Komaeda backed away from him, trying to cover himself up with his arms.

"Komaeda-kun, I understand that you're scared. But you don't have to be. Your parents probably taught you that adults and strangers are dangerous, correct?"


"Well, they're not quite right about that. Society has always told kids to be careful around adults, but I don't see why. What's wrong with a child and an adult being in love?"

"U-uhm... mom and dad always said kids are too young to understand that kind of stuff so they can't consent... and adults have a lot of power over children..."

"But you're not a little kid. I can already tell you're very mature for your age,"


"Of course. Do you remember the rule I told you earlier?"

Komaeda nodded. "That I'm not allowed to say no?"

"Yes. That rule might seem weird, but it exists because we will never do anything to you that isn't good for you. There's no point in saying no to something you need, right?"

"I... guess that makes sense,"

Suzuki began to take off his clothes. "Wh-what are you doing?!" Komaeda shrieked, covering his eyes.

"I told you, you'll have to get used to this." He closed the stall door. "Now then, you need to make sure to always shave your body hair off, okay? Except your arms of course,"

"Huh? Why?"

"If you get a job as a butler and your master notices it, they'll know you take good care of yourself,"

"Why would they see enough of my body to notice that I shave my legs?" He furrowed his brows.

"You'll find out eventually. Now then, can I help you shave?"

Komaeda hesitantly nodded. "I've never done it before, so... yeah,"

♡ I was made for loving you | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now