10 | Abduction

241 11 19

Tw: SA, mentions of p//dophilia

Hinata had convinced Komaeda to block Suzuki on everything. It was weird. Komaeda couldn't help but still feel attached to him. Suzuki had been there for him after he had lost his parents. He was the only one who didn't insult him. From the very beginning, Suzuki had been kind to him.

Komaeda was making tea for Hinata when the doorbell rang. He walked towards the door, still carrying the cup, and opened it. In front of it stood Suzuki.

"Doll, why aren't you answering my calls or texts?"

He wanted to slam the door shut, but Suzuki put his foot in front of it. "Hinata-kun told me that... that you abused me... and that you're a manipulator and a pedophile... a-and that you groomed me. P-please leave me alone,"

"And you just believe that? Doll, you're better than this!"

"Please leave..."

"Baby boy, you need to listen-"

"No!" Komaeda shouted. "Leave me alone!"

Suzuki grabbed his wrist and pulled him out of the house, making Komaeda drop the cup. He dragged him into his car and began to drive.

Hinata noticed Komaeda hadn't come back with his tea yet so he went to look for him. He couldn't find him anywhere and then he noticed the broken tea cup and the spilled tea by the front door. He immediately got scared and called the police.

He told them all about Suzuki and how Komaeda was supposed to bring him tea and that he found the broken cup. He didn't know Suzuki's first name or where he lived, but he told them he was a teacher at a butler school and gave them a good description of what he looked like.

"Thank you, sir. We will begin our search in 24 hours,"

"In 24 hours?! You need to find him now! Suzuki's cruel, he's probably assaulting Komaeda right now!"

"I understand that you are worried, but we only begin to look for people over the age of eighteen after 24 hours,"

"But I know Suzuki kidnapped him! Just go find him goddammit!" He yelled.

"Sir, I need you to calm down. We will do what we can to find your friend. Have a nice day." They then left.

Hinata had tried calling Komaeda, but he had left his phone in his room. He couldn't believe this. He was so worried about him.

"P-please stop!" Komaeda begged.

"That's what you get for misbehaving! This is your punishment!" He slapped him across the face.

"Stop! It hurts!" He cried out. Suzuki put his shirt into his mouth, shutting him up.

Hinata sat on his bed, head in his hands. He had promised to protect Komaeda and now this was happening. Maybe... he could do something. He got Komaeda's phone and opened it. Luckily, it didn't have a password. He went through his chat with Suzuki and managed to find his adress through that. Jackpot.

The brunet immediately got into his car and drove to that place, but the drive was pretty long.

Komaeda woke up. He had passed out due to exhaustion. His entire body was in terrible pain. "S-Suzuki... sensei..." He whispered. His throat hurt too. Suzuki had probably continued to have his way with him while he was passed out.

"I think you've learned your lesson now, Komaeda-kun. This is what happens when you take my kindness for granted. I always let you take breaks and I'm always gentle with you, but I can be different when I want to be. So? Are you ready for another round, doll?"

"No... it hurts..."

The doorbell rang. Suzuki got up and came back a minute later. "It's Hinata. I saw it through the peephole,"

"Huh? Hinata-kun?" He tilted his head.

"I'm not going to let him in-"

Komaeda got up and ran towards the door, despite the immense pain. Suzuki grabbed him. The pale man began to bang his fists against the door.

"Komaeda?!" Hinata shouted.

"Help!" Komaeda called out. "Help me!"

Suzuki threw him onto the floor. "Ow!" Komaeda winced.

Hinata tried breaking down the door, but he couldn't. He told the police what had happened. The next day, they knocked on Suzuki's door.

"This is the police! Please open the door, sir!"

Suzuki gasped. He then looked at Komaeda, angry. "This is all your fault. I'm gonna go to jail for a long time all because of you now and we'll never see each other again,"

Komaeda looked at him and started to cry. He didn't want to be abused anymore, but he didn't want to loose Suzuki.

"No, please don't leave me!" He cried. "P-please! You're the only one I have left!"

"It's your fault, not mine,"

"Suzuki-sensei!" He grabbed his wrist. "P-please! Y-you can use me and hurt me if you want just please don't abandon me!" He sobbed.

The police began to break down the door.

"Don't leave me!"

Suzuki was the only person that loved him. The only one who cared about him.

The door flew out of its hinges and they rushed into the room and handcuffed Suzuki. An officer wrapped Komaeda up in a blanket since he wasn't wearing anything and helped him into the car.

They drove him to the police station where Hinata waited for him. Komaeda was called in for questioning and then drove to a hospital because of the pain.

He was told he had to stay there for a while. Komaeda laid in the hospital bed, bored. Hinata brought him his phone, headphones and a book. The pale man had barely talked to Hinata since he was saved.

"Uhm... Komaeda, I'm sorry for not protecting you like I said I would,"

"It's not that fault. You tried to save me. I... I feel weird. I-I miss Suzuki-sensei,"

Hinata sighed and pat his shoulder, but Komaeda turned away.

"P-please don't touch me... I'm sorry... it's nothing personal, I just..."

"No, I understand." He smiled. "You'll be okay,"

By the way, if you ever feel like I'm writing the serious topics in this book in a bad/insensitive way, feel free to tell me so I can change it.

♡ I was made for loving you | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now