14 | Getting better

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Hinata and Komaeda walked through the city. They passed an alley and a man grabbed Komaeda by his collar and pushed him up against the wall.

"Give me all your money!" He shouted.

"I don't have any, sorry,"

The man began to look inside his bag and pockets. Komaeda rolled his eyes and then pulled him into a hug.

"Huh?! The fuck are you doing-?!"

"It's clear that you don't get any love at home, but that's okay, I'm proud of you,"

"What the?!"

"You don't have to hurt people. I'm sure your mom does love you, she just has trouble telling you that,"

"Hey, shut up!"

"No, I won't. You have to face your fears. Go talk to your mom, okay?"

The man pushed him off and ran away. Komaeda giggled.

"What was that?!" Hinata shook him.

"I did that when Suzuki-sensei was mad. It worked most of the time,"

"How does that work?!"

Komaeda shrugged. "His parents weren't proud of him, so I had to tell him I was or else he'd get mad at me,"

"So... he wanted you to be a child and his mom at the same time?"

"Some men are weird. Some women too, but I don't know about that. I've never been hurt by a woman. Except when my mom passed away, that hurt me, but it wasn't her fault. Oh, and Tsumiki-san spilled coffee on me, but that doesn't count,"

Hinata just nodded. "Whatever you say,"

"But you haven't hurt me, so it's not like I think all guys are bad. I'm a guy too, but I'm not even sure I count. Nakahara-sensei said I was a girl no matter how hard I tried to be a boy. I don't feel like a girl though, I know I'm a guy. Ugh, this is stupid... I'm sorry, I keep saying weird things,"

Hinata chuckled. "It's alright." He unlocked his door and they both went inside. Komaeda went into the break room that was reserved for the maids, butlers and the chef. He grabbed a few cleaning supplies and was about to leave, when one of the other butlers spoke up.



"We've noticed that you spent a lot of time with Hinata-san,"

"I am his personal butler, so that makes sense," He explained.

"Don't try to act smart with me!" He hissed. "I know you're trying to sleep your way to the top!"

"Huh? I'm a butler, it's not like there's a hierarchy or something,"

"Quit lying! Using your body to get your superiors to like you... how gross and shameless,"

Komaeda's eyes widened. "Don't say that!"

"So it's true?" He got up. "You are a whore,"

"No! Don't say those things!"

The other butler walked towards him. "I won't tell anyone, but only if you let me participate. I know what school you went to, you know? Why don't you perform your special service, huh?" He got closer and closer and Komaeda backed up until his back hit the door. He tried to reach for the doorknob.

"I don't want to,"

The butler put his hand on the door and leaned against it. Komaeda opened the door and they both fell backwards with the other man landing on top of Komaeda. Hinata walked through the hallway when suddenly two butlers landed in front of his feet.

"Oww..." Komaeda rubbed his head. "Get off of me!" He yelled and began to push him off.

"It's your fault! I was just trying to compromise with you!"

Hinata grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him away from Komaeda. "What's going on here?"

Komaeda got up and pointed at the other man. "He accused me of sleeping with you a-and tried to touch me,"

Hinata gritted his teeth. "Is that true?"

"I-I was only asking nicely, he could've said no!"

"I did! You ignored me!"

Hinata punched the butler in the face. "You're fired,"

"You can't fire me! You're not even my employer,"

"So you want me to tell my father about what you tried to do to Komaeda?"


"Then leave right now,"

"Y-yes, sir!" He nodded and ran away.

Komaeda sighed. "He called me a... bad word and said I'm sleeping with you to get benefits in my job or something. Is that what everyone thinks of me?"

Hinata shook his head. "No, he's just an asshole. Are you okay?"

"Mhm. I opened the door before he did anything,"

"Good. I'm glad you defended yourself and told me what was going on." He smiled. "You're really beginning to get better, aren't you?"

"I am?" Komaeda looked up at Hinata with wide eyes.

"Seems like it to me at least. Good job." He pat his head.

"Hey, stop that..." Komaeda whined jokingly. "Can I hug you?"

"Sure." Hinata nodded. Komaeda jumped into his arms. He didn't stand on the floor so now Hinata had to hold him up in the air during the hug.

"Hey, I really like you, Komaeda,"

"I really like you too,"

"Do you want to be my boyfriend?" He let him down.

Komaeda put a hand to his chin. "I do want to, but... can you wait until I've fully gotten over everything? I don't think I'm quite ready for a relationship yet,"

"Of course! I'll wait as long as you need me to!"

Komaeda smiled. "Thank you!"

♡ I was made for loving you | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now