6 | Bruises

302 14 36

Tw: P//dophilia, SA

Hinata was shocked. He had heard all of that when he walked past Komaeda's room. Was Suzuki some kind of pedophile?!

Suddenly, the door opened.

"Hinata-sama? Can I help you?"

"Ah, no I was just... going to the bathroom,"

"I see. Uhm... I hate bother you with my insignificant request, but... could I maybe invite someone over?"

"Sure, just don't be too loud, alright?"

Komaeda smiled, but it didn't seem sincere. "Thank you." He walked back into his room and Hinata heard him talk. "He said you can invite them... but I still don't really wanna..."

"Then I'm gonna call them. You need to practice again,"

So Komaeda didn't even want to have whoever they were talking about over? Well, too late now. If something happened, Hinata would hear it and kick them out.

Twenty minutes later, he heard the doorbell ring and Komaeda going to open it. Several male voices could be heard and they disappeared into Komaeda's room.

Hinata eventually went to bed. The next morning, he wasn't woken up by Komaeda. He was shocked to see that it was already past ten. He got up and walked into Komaeda's room. What he saw when he entered, made him want to scream.

"Komaeda?!" He gasped.

The other man was on the floor. His clothes were scattered around the room and a blanket had been lazily thrown over him to cover his private parts. All over his skin, bruises and bite marks could be seen. His hair was a total mess. There was duct tape over his mouth.

Hinata carefully picked him up and put him on the bed. He then covered him with the blanket completely and pulled the duct tape off. He gently shook Komaeda until he woke up.

"H-Hinata...sama?" He muttered, rubbing his eyes. "What... happened?"

"I don't know. I found you on the floor. Did those... guys from yesterday do this to you?"

"Do what?" He then looked at his body and saw the condition he was in. "Oh, that. Can you give me my clothes?"

"Yeah, of course."

Komaeda got dressed and they continued talking.

"So... did those men... touch you against your will?"

The pale man nodded. "Yup,"

Why was he so calm about this?

"Then... you have to tell the police,"

"No, we were just practicing after all,"


Komaeda nodded again. "The special service,"

"That's... what that is?"


"I'm gonna be honest. I heard you and Suzuki talking yesterday. Is he... your teacher?"

"Yeah." He said. "B-but it's not what you think! He's not some nasty pervert or anything like that!"

"He sounded like a nasty pervert yesterday,"

"But he's not like the other teachers! He doesn't-"

"Of course he's not like the other teachers. Other teachers don't call over their friends to assault their students!"

Komaeda's eyes widened and he looked away.

"Shit, I'm sorry! That was... super insensitive,"

"But Suzuki-sensei is nice... he was always gentle with me. And he never yelled. When I said no, he didn't force himself onto me. Instead... he explained I'm just not allowed to say that,"

"A-and that's nice to you..? Ugh... look, are you hurt anywhere?"

"I'm fine, this is normal,"

"It isn't." Hinata insisted.

Komaeda sighed. "Hinata-sama, look, there are situations where consent doesn't matter. When you're a butler, you just have to accept that,"

"That's not true!" Hinata grabbed him by his shoulders. "I don't know who taught you that, probably your disgusting teacher boyfriend, but it's not right! Your consent always matters and so does your comfort!"

"No! I don't matter at all! A-and it doesn't matter if I want them to stop, I have to- I-I have to... keep letting them do what they want..."

Hinata pulled him into a hug and rubbed his back. Komaeda slowly began to cry.

♡ I was made for loving you | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now