9 | Friend

263 11 24

Tw: Mentions of r//pe, ab//se, p//dophilia
(Art by moochisun)

"Wh-what... happened?" Komaeda whispered, waking up. He noticed that he was only wearing a shirt and boxers and that his hands were cuffed. He nervously left his room and knocked on Hinata's door before entering.

"Can you help uncuff me?"

"Huh?" Hinata rubbed his eyes. He had just woken up. "Why are you handcuffed?"

"I don't know... I don't remember anything, but... my body hurts,"

"Was Suzuki here?" Hinata furrowed his eyebrows.

"Hm... maybe... probably,"

"Komaeda, I told you he's bad for you! Don't just let him in here!"

"I-I'm sorry... I just... He's not that bad,"

Hinata sighed and got up. "He abused you, Komaeda! He's a pedophile and a rapist!"

"No he isn't!"

"He literally is!" He yelled.

Oh no. Hinata was mad. "I'm sorry... You're mad at me,"

"I'm not mad! I just- look, if you don't do anything to try and stop him from hurting you, I can't help you either!"

"You can take your anger out on me if you want,"

"No, I'm not gonna hit you!" Hinata hissed. "Stop that!"

Komaeda took a deep breath. He knew it would have to come to this eventually, even if he didn't want to. He wrapped his arms around Hinata's neck. "Well... you can use me in a different way too,"

"Wh-what?!" Hinata gasped.

"It's okay, I'm allowing it,"

Hinata pushed him away. "No! Stop it!"

Komaeda fell onto the floor. "O-ow... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry." He began to cry. "I know you're not like that. I don't wanna do this with you... p-please don't use me, please..."

The brunet crouched down and rubbed his back. "I... I understand that this is what they taught you. I'm not upset. I know that it's not easy to accept the fact that you're a victim. No one wants to be a victim,"

"I'm not! Suzuki-sensei would never hurt me!"

"He would and he did,"

"N-no... he didn't hurt me... it hurt when the others did it, but... he was nice to me. He told me he loved me, so..."

"But you didn't want to. How old were you?"

"Fifteen when I met him,"

"You were a child! This isn't okay, its abuse!"

Komaeda began sobbing. "I-it's not! Don't talk about him like that!"

"When did he ever actually make you feel good?"

"He told me I had a nice body..."

"And did you like it?"


"See? It might seem nice but he's just a creep,"

"...can you hold me?"

Hinata pulled him into a hug and Komaeda began to cry again. "M-maybe you're right. Maybe I really was abused. But... I thought he loved me..."

"I'm so sorry. But I promise I won't let him hurt you anymore. I'm gonna protect you, alright?"


"Yes, I promise it." He pulled away from the hug and pat his head. "You're safe with me. And you can always tell me whenever you're uncomfortable. I won't ever hurt you. Let's... be friends, alright?"

Komaeda smiled. "I've never had a friend before..."

"Now you do,"

♡ I was made for loving you | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now