8 | Questions

272 11 25

Tw: Mentions of s//xual ab//se, p//dophilia

Komaeda turned on the shower water. He didn't believe Hinata. They hadn't assaulted him. Sure, he didn't enjoy or consent to it, but isn't that what school is like all the time? Besides, Suzuki had always been nice to him. He wouldn't do that. Komaeda trusted him. He sat down and began to shave his legs.

A few minutes later, he left the shower and dried himself. He looked at the mirror, upset. He really wanted to get his surgeries soon, but he hadn't found a reliable surgeon. Sadly, Japan wasn't the best place for trans people to live.

The lock of the front door being opened could be heard. Everyone was back from their vacation now.

He blowdried his hair and put his clothes on. Then, he left the room and began cleaning. His body still hurt.

"Komaeda-san? Why are you wearing Hajime's clothes?" Hinata's father asked.

"Oh, apologies if that irritated you. My uniform doesn't fit anymore so he gave me some of his clothes to wear until I get new ones,"

"Don't you have your own clothes besides the uniform?"

"Not really, no,"

"I see. Well then, that's okay." He left the room. Komaeda sighed. His body really hurt.

He continued cleaning and went back into his room to take a break. Then, he thought about Hinata's words again.

"Of course hes not like the other teachers. Other teachers don't call over their friends to assault their students!"

But... was it really that? Was it a crime? It was basically like studying, right? But then... why were they still doing it after Komaeda had graduated? No! Suzuki wouldn't do that to him! He would never! He was always there for Komaeda when he was hurt or missed his parents or got picked on by the other students.

He remembered it perfectly.

Komaeda ran towards Suzuki's office, crying. He opened the door and ran towards his teacher, who pulled him into a hug. Suzuki ran his fingers through his hair.

"What happened?"

"I-it hurts... I-I wanna go home, please..."

"What hurts?"


Suzuki sighed. "They're not gentle with you, are they?"

Komaeda sniffled. "N-not at all..."

"You poor thing. How about next time you practice it will be with me? I'll make sure to treat you gently and we can take breaks when you need it,"

The pale boy looked up. "Really?"


"I-I think I'd like that..."

Suzuki pulled Komaeda onto his lap and kissed his cheek. Komaeda blushed and his teacher chuckled.

And Suzuki hadn't lied. He really was gentle and let Komaeda take breaks. Komaeda didn't want to do it, but it still couldn't have been sexual abuse... right? Right. He knew it. Suzuki was nice, he wouldn't do that.

A few days later, Komaeda was watching Hinata work. His bruises had faded by now and it didn't hurt anymore.



"You aren't mad at me, right?"

"Why would I be mad?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Well... I don't know. I'm sorry..."

Hinata put a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, I know you're nervous. It's okay though, I promise I'm not upset with you at all. But uh-" He chuckled. "-are you ever gonna give me my clothes back?"

Komaeda's cheeks turned pink and he looked away. "They smell nice... and they're comfortable..."

The brunet turned red in the face. "Uh then... I guess you can keep them." He smiled. "You like them more than me,"

♡ I was made for loving you | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now