2 | Coffee

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Hinata was bored. He wasn't tired so he didn't want to go to bed, but he also didn't know what else to do. Annoyed, he got up and walked towards his small balcony. He looked around a bit until he saw Komaeda walking towards the house with some man who looked quite a bit older than him. Maybe his father?

Oh. Nope, he kissed him on the mouth. Hinata turned around. That was none of his business. He left his room and walked around when the door unlocked and Komaeda entered.

"Haha, sorry. I know you're dissapointed. Maybe next time we can do something more romantic," The man Komaeda was with said.

"I sure hope so," Komaeda sounded dissapointed. "You said we were going on a date and you lied. I don't wanna practice every single time we meet up,"

"I know, I know. But I'm just doing what's best for you. You need to stay in shape if you want to be good at your job. Anyway, I should go now. Have a nice night, Komaeda-kun,"

"You too..." He closed the door and sighed. "Stupid practice..." Hinata could hear him mutter.

Weird. What were they practicing? And why was Komaeda so annoyed by it? And what did it have to do with staying in shape for his job? It's not like being a butler required being very muscular or athletic.

He heard the door to Komaeda's room close.

The next day, Komaeda brought Hinata food as he was working. "Careful, it's still hot," He warned.


"Is there anything else I can do for you?" He asked.

"Not right now, thank you though,"


Suddenly, the door flew open and a girl fell into the room. She had been holding a tray with drinks and several cups of hot coffee flew right in Hinata's direction.

Immediately, Komaeda ran in front of him, which made the drinks all end up on him.

"Holy shit!" Hinata exclaimed. "Are you okay?!" He asked Komaeda.

"Don't worry about me. But... I do look terrible now, apologies,"

"I'm sorry!!" The girl shouted. "I-I'm so sorry!" She was laying on the floor in a... weird position.

"Please get up," Komaeda said, whiping the coffee off his face with his sleeve.

"Please forgive me!" She cried.

"Tsumiki, get up..." Hinata said, obviously annoyed.

Komaeda wondered, did this happen often with this maid? Otherwise Hinata probably wouldn't be so annoyed.

She nervously got up, holding the tray in her hands. "Please forgive me! Y-you can do whatever you want! Hit me, take off my clothes, whatever!"

Komaeda's eyes widened. "I won't do that. Please just go make new coffee and take it wherever you were going to initially take it. I'm going to clean up, so don't worry,"

"A-alright..." She left and Komaeda got out cleaning supplies.

He got down onto the floor and began cleaning it and picking up the broken cups.

"You can go clean yourself first if you want," Hinata said.

"You're the priority, not me." Komaeda stated, putting the broken pieces into the trash.

"Uh... by the way, about what Tsumiki said..."

"That I could hit her and take off her clothes?"

"Yeah, uh... she's just kinda like that. Please don't think this is something we regularly do here. I would never do that to anyone,"

Komaeda furrowed his eyebrows and stared at Hinata for a few seconds. "You wouldn't?"

"Obviously. Don't tell me you were planning on taking her up on that offer!"

Komaeda shook his head. "Of course not. I just thought... never mind,"

"What did you think?"

"Nothing. Can I go take a shower?"

"Yeah, sure thing..."

"Thank you." He bowed down and left. Hinata sighed. Tsumiki was the daughter of a friend of his mother. She was in need of a job, so Hinata's mother offered to let her work for them, but she was clearly not even slightly qualified. She constantly tripped and sometimes Hinata thought it seemed like it was on purpose.
She also apologized a lot and offered that everyone could do those kind of things to her. It made Hinata really uncomfortable, but he knew she had always gotten bullied, so it probably had something to do with that.

Suddenly, he heard a crash from outside and another endless rant of apologies from Tsumiki. He hurried outside and saw Komaeda, who had just finished his shower and changed his clothes, drenched in coffee again.

"I-I'm sorry!" She cried.

"No, it was my fault. I should have watched where I was going." He got up. "I will go get changed again." He told Hinata.

The brunet sighed and went back into his room to continue his work. A few minutes later, Komaeda walked into his room and sat down on his bed like before. Now Hinata's focus was completely ruined. He put his head in his hands and groaned.

"Are you alright?"

"I think I should stop for today. It's getting dark anyway. I might go to a bar with my friend. If you want, you and your boyfriend can tag along,"

Komaeda tilted his head. "How do you know about my boyfriend?"

Hinata's eyes widened. "Shit! Now, I seem like a creep. I saw you guys through the window yesterday. I-I didn't mean to stalk you or anything,"

"It's okay. I wanted to go on a date with him soon anyway,"

♡ I was made for loving you | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now