5 | Clothes

305 12 29

Tw: P//dophilia

Komaeda was cleaning the kitchen floor. He also had to eat lunch, so he took bites of his food from time to time.

"All done." He smiled and put the cleaning supplies away. "What else should I do..?" He looked around and noticed the clock on the wall. It had been a few hours since Hinata ate, so maybe he should bring him a snack. Komaeda knew Hinata usually ate something small around this time. He decided to heat up some of the chicken and rice they had for lunch and bring it to his room.

Komaeda entered his room and put the plate down on Hinata's desk as he worked.

"Oh, thank you." Hinata muttered, continuing to type on his computer.

"No problem." He smiled slightly.

"By the way, every year my parents do this thing where they go on vacation with all our butlers and maids and the chef. They're leaving in two days. Are you going too?"

"Will you stay home?"


"Then, I will too. I am your personal butler, after all,"

So, a few days later, everyone left. Only Hinata and Komaeda were left behind. They went to go grocery shopping and Komaeda quickly noticed that most of the women Hinata talked to seemed very interested in him. That was a bit weird. Sure, Hinata was handsome, but to think that so many women were into him was odd.

Hinata paid and the cashier handed him a small note. "Call me tonight." She smirked.

"No, thanks." Hinata put down the note with her phone number. "Have a nice day."

They left the store after that. On the way home, Komaeda bumped into a man.

"Oh, apologies." He bowed down.

"Watch were you're going, freak! And go buy new clothes while you're at it!" The man hissed.

"No need to be so rude..." Komaeda whispered and kept walking. Then, he looked at Hinata. "Is there something wrong with my clothes?"

"I mean... they look a bit, you know..."


"Like they don't fit you. They're a bit... tight, I guess?"

"Huh?!" He shrieked. "But it's my uniform! I don't have clothes in a different size,"

"You can buy new ones,"

"This is horrible..." Komaeda sighed. "I didn't even notice. But... why would my school give me clothes that don't fit?"

"I dunno. You can wear some of mine until you get new ones. They're probably gonna be a bit big on you though,"

"Ah, how kind of you." He smiled.

Later that day, he put on some of Hinata's clothes. They were way more comfortable than his uniform. And it was true that they were quite big on him. In the evening, the doorbell rang. Hinata went to open it and was met with Suzuki.

"Good evening, Hinata-san,"

"Good evening. You're probably here for Komaeda, right? Come inside,"

"Thank you." He walked into the house and went into Komaeda's room where he found him sitting on his bed. "Komaeda-kun!" He called out.

"Oh, hey!" Komaeda smiled.

"What are those clothes?"

"Hinata-sama gave them to me. I noticed that my uniform didn't fit me anymore,"

Suzuki grabbed his hand and pulled him to stand up. Then, he dragged him towards the full-length mirror that was in his room. He stood behind Komaeda and pulled on the shirt's fabric so that it looked like it was tight-fitting.

"That was the whole point, doll. The uniforms are supposed to be tight, it looks good,"

"It looks unprofessional though,"

"Oh, sweetheart..." He chuckled. "I don't care about that. I want to be able to see your body. Tight clothes show it off so well. Just look at your waist and chest!"

"It's uncomfortable..."

Suzuki let go of the shirt. "Though... now that I think about it, clothes that are too big make you look nice too. If the shirt was even bigger, you might even look like a child in it." He put his hands on Komaeda's waist.

"Hey, stop touching me... I'm not a kid anymore," Komaeda muttered.

"Why are you so mean today?" Suzuki whined.

"It's just... I feel like you don't even like me. Like you just like me for my body..."

Suzuki cupped his cheeks. "That's not true, sweetheart. I love how you're willing to do anything for others and how humble you are. And I love how kind you are. And what I love the most is how childish you can be sometimes." He kissed his forehead. Komaeda smiled and hugged him.

"I love you too, Suzuki-sensei,"

♡ I was made for loving you | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now