11 | Justice

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Tw: mentions of SA, attempted manipulation (but it doesn't work hah!)

"Hinata-kun?" Komaeda asked, sounding sad.


"Do you think I'll ever find a man who actually loves me? Like, not in a weird way,"

"For sure. You're a sweet guy, Komaeda. There's no doubt someone will fall in love with you,"

He smiled at Hinata. "That would be amazing..."

"Then let's get you out of the hospital soon so you can find someone, yeah?"

Komaeda nodded, grinning. "Yup!"

Hinata knew that Komaeda's school was horrible, so he asked him to write down some of the stuff they did so he could report it to the police. Komaeda himself was too scared to report them.

Hinata had told the officers who rescued Komaeda and they began to investigate the case. When Hinata had first read through the list, he wanted to throw up. It was terrible.

Komaeda was back home after a while and Hinata walked into his room in the evening.

"Hinata-kun? Can I help you?"

"Do you wanna go get dinner somewhere?"

"Ah, sure!" He smiled and got up.

Half an hour later, they sat in a fancy restaurant. Komaeda looked nervous.

"Hinata-kun... I dont think I'll be able to afford anything here..."

"I'm gonna pay, obviously,"

"You don't have to!"

"I invited you to this date, so I'm paying," Hinata told him.

"A date? I-is this a date?" Komaeda blushed.

Hinata turned red. "No!! I mean- yes!! I mean-! If you want it to be..."

Komaeda smiled and nodded. Then, he frowned. "But... I hate to accuse you of anything, but... You're not doing this to... sleep with me, are you?"

"Of course not! I would never,"

After the date, they walked home. Komaeda looked up at Hinata and sighed.

"This feels weird, being treated so nicely without a catch. Are you seriously not gonna touch me?"


"You're not gonna make me take off my clothes?"


"You won't even make me shower with you?"

"No, I won't do that. I never will. I understand why you think that way, but there's no need for that anymore. You're safe now,"

"Safe... I'm safe... please hug me,"

Hinata pulled him close and Komaeda hugged back tightly. "Safe..." he muttered again.

One day, Hinata got informed that the police were going to storm Komaeda's school and arrest the teachers. He told Komaeda, who immediately got excited and wanted to see for himself.

The brunet drove him to the school and they watched many officers enter the building, holding their guns up.

A few minutes later, they left again with a lot of men and several women in handcuffs. Komaeda clapped his hands together and let out an excited giggle.

A teacher saw him and shouted. "Komaeda, you little bitch!" He tried to run towards him, but was pulled back by an officer.

"Doesn't feel good to get handcuffed and pushed around, does it?" Komaeda yelled at him.

"You fucking whore! I'm gonna fuck your brains out and kill you, just wait-"

"That's enough of that, sir." An officer said and pushed him into the car.

"Komaeda?!" A teacher shrieked. "How dare you?! After everything I've done for you!"

The pale boy watched as they got arrested. At some point, tears began rolling down his cheeks. "It's over... it's finally over..." He whispered.

The students left the school, really confused. Komaeda began to cry more. Those poor children. They went through the same things as him. He wanted to hug all of them.

They were all taken to court and were sentenced to several years in jail. After the trial, Komaeda and Hinata stood in the hallway. Suzuki stood a few meters away from them, handcuffed. The officer who was supposed to take him to jail was still discussing something with another officer, so Suzuki had to wait.

Komaeda stared at him. "Suzuki-sensei!" He called out.

"What?" The older man hissed. He looked much worse than before now. He had eyebags and a messy beard.

Komaeda began to cry again. Watching the man he looked up to, his hero, his first boyfriend, get put in handcuffs broke his inner child's heart. "S-Suzuki-sensei..."

"What?!" He yelled.

"G-goodbye... I-I know you're bad for me, but... I miss you..." He sniffled. "I miss you holding me and cheering me up. I-I miss going on weird dates and being confused when you lied to people and told them you were my father. A-and I miss you telling me I'm pretty a-and that I'm the most special boy you've ever seen a-and... and I don't wanna miss you... You're bad for me! I wanna hate you, but... it's hard when you were the only one who was there for me when I needed someone..." He sobbed, whiping his eyes. "I'm sorry for making you go through this, I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so sorry!"

Hinata saw Suzuki smirk and he wanted to punch him so hard he'd pass out.

"Komaeda-kun, I love you too. I still do. They don't understand our love, I always just did what was best for you! Once I get out of jail, we can be together!" He smiled. "Be with me, Komaeda-kun! I want you!"

Komaeda's eyes lit up painfully. "R-really?"

"Yes, of course!"

"I-I... but you're bad for me... I hate you, but... I can't help but feel like I need you in my life... like I want you in my life,"

"Komaeda-kun, that's called love! Now come be with me! Give me a kiss, alright-"

"That's enough!" Hinata shouted. He ran towards Suzuki and punched him. The officers gasped and held him back. "No! Let me beat his ass! He deserves it!"

One of the officers smiled. "People like him always have a hard time in jail, don't worry,"

Suzuki was taken to jail and Komaeda let out a sigh. "Goodbye, Suzuki-sensei..."

♡ I was made for loving you | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now