21 | Dead

167 9 46

Tw: mentions of SA, Death, Abortions

"Komaeda-kun, I know this isn't easy, but this doesn't mean we're not going to practice anymore," Suzuki said.

"P-please not now." He whiped his tears. "A-am I a bad person? I had to do it, I can't have a child now! I'm only sixteen, I can't!"

"You're not a bad person. Make sure to always take your pills from now on or this will happen again,"

"Y-yes, I'll take them. I-I don't wanna have a child..."

Suzuki kissed his forehead. "You won't, don't worry,"



"Uhm... since you're much older than me... I'm a bit scared. Because... you'll die earlier than me, right?"

Suzuki frowned. "That's a very rude thing to say,"

"I didn't mean to be rude, I'm sorry. Uhm... how old exaclty are you?"

"I'm 38. Oh, that reminds me, it was your birthday last week. Did you like my present? I'm sorry I couldn't be there, I was busy,"

"Mhm, your present was the best one!"

"I'm glad. The teddy bear reminded me of the one you already have, so I was sure you'd like it,"

"I do. But also... Nakahara-sensei gave me a weird present,"

"What did he give you?"

Komaeda reached under his bed and pulled out a box. He gave it to Suzuki, who opened it and gasped.

"That's-! My gosh... what a pervert,"

"A pervert? Why?"

"Well... maybe I'll show you how to use it sometime." He smiled and ruffled Komaeda's hair.

"Also, Nakahara-sensei hurts me a lot. He's really mean..."

"What does he do?"

"I always bleed when we practice and he insults me and makes me cry..."

"That's not okay. But please understand that it's not easy for a teacher to hold back on a sweet boy like you,"

"But if you guys like me, why would you want to hurt me?"

"You'll understand when you're older,"


Suzuki remembered how innocent and naive Komaeda used to be. He smirked, knowing he would see him again soon. Breaking out of prison wasn't all that hard. It was easy to bribe the guards. He walked towards the place where Komaeda lived. It was his lucky day. Right now, Komaeda was taking out the trash.

"Komaeda-kun!" Suzuki called out.

The pale man looked at him and shook his head. "Huh..? But... You're in jail..."

"Come here, doll,"

"No..." He said.

Suzuki ran towards him and Komaeda screamed out. He began trying to drag him, but Komaeda pushed and scratched at his face. Suzuki then pulled him close.

"Are you seriously going to betray me after everything I've done for you?"

"You... You're a bad person,"

"No, I'm not. Remember when the other kids bullied you? You were so helpless and scared, but I protected you,"

"No, you... after that, you touched me..."

"I love you,"

"You don't! You're gross, don't touch me!" He shouted. "I'm not a kid anymore, don't touch me don't touch me don't touch me don't touch me!" He yelled, trying to free himself from the older man's grip.

"Komaeda-kun, your consent doesn't matter. You're just a butler, you're there to please others,"

"I'm not! I-I... I do matter!"

"You and Hinata-san are dating now, correct?"

"Uhm... yes,"

"Think about it. I bet he's trying to be polite by not touching you. After all, he thinks I'm a bad person. But I'm sure he wants to finally touch you. He wants to sleep with you, he's just holding back. That's what everyone wants from you. Everyone wants to use you at the end of the day, except me. Think about it. I'm the only one who was nice to you, wasn't I?"

"Hinata-kun was nice too..."

"But only because he wants to touch you! Has he ever protected you from harm?"

"He has..."

"Has he ever given you a present?"


"Uh... h-has he ever hit you?"


"W-well then... uh... he's just pretending! I can tell! Now come with me or I'm gonna-"

"Please just leave me alone already. Why are you obsessed with being close to me? I-I don't want to... I don't want it..."

"Because I'm the only one who actually cares about you! Hinata's lying, he just wants to fuck you!"

"He doesn't!" Komaeda yelled, pushing him away. "I'm gonna call the police now!" He pulled out his phone and called them.

"No! No nononononono! Why?! Why aren't you listening to me anymore?!"

Komaeda gritted his teeth. "Because I'm done with your manipulation! I-I'm done with being used by people like you! I know I don't deserve to get hurt now!"

The police arrived a few minutes later and due to the sirens, Hinata left his house. He was furious when he saw Suzuki.

"How the fuck did he escape?!" He shouted.

The police walked towards them to arrest Suzuki, but he ran away. He ran onto the street without out looking and-


Komaeda screamed in horror. He ran towards him. "Suzuki-sensei!" He shouted. He sat down in front of him and felt his pulse.

"Oh my God... he... he's... h-he's..."

A police officer began to perform chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth on him, but his efforts were in vain.

Suzuki fucking dies 😱😱‼‼

♡ I was made for loving you | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now